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Drug Use and Abuse Bundle:                Mental Health Video Bundle: 54 DVD/Streaming Video Programs
                                                               #9608 Mental health issues — especially anxiety, depression, and anger — increas-
                     21 DVD/Streaming Video Programs     DVD    ingly take center stage with individuals, families, schools, workplaces, and commu-
                     #9606  Drug use and abuse in the U.S. has had devastating   nities. The following collection of mental health videos focuses on everything from
                     consequences  for  individuals,  families,  and  communities.  This   debilitating mood disorders to self-destructive behaviors. They include expert ad-
                     collection of videos examines various aspects of the drug epi-  vice on effective treatments, including medication, therapy, and meditation. Can
                     demic. Covers all types of stimulants, inhalants, addictive drugs,   purchase separately. SPECIAL: $5,929.00 for all 54 video programs. Several
      and opiates, from recreational alcohol, bath salts, and marijuana to more addictive and   programs also available in DVD format (see individual titles for details).
      deadly crack, cocaine, heroin, and oxycontin. PURCHASE OPTIONS: $3,599.00 for 21   FREE SHIPPING, PREVIEWS & INSTRUCTOR'S GUIDES. Sample titles include:
      Streaming Videos or $3,799.00 for DVDs. $6,999.00 for both streaming video     y Anxiety Disorders ($129.95)    y Building Psychological Resilience ($129.95)
      and DVD bundles. FREE SHIPPING, PREVIEWS & INSTRUCTOR'S GUIDES! Sample     y Bipolar: Life Between Two Extremes ($169.95) y C.A.G.E. the Rage ($99.95)

      titles include:                                                                          y Maintaining Mental Health ($129.95)
         y Alcohol ($99.95)          y Marijuana ($99.95)                                      y  PTSD: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder ($129.95)
         y  Cannabis: The Evil Weed? ($300.00)    y Opium: Addicted to Pleasures ($300.00)     y Second Opinion ($3,198.40 - 32 Videos)
         y Cocaine and Crack ($99.95)    y Time Bomb: Oxytocin Addiction ($169.95)
         y Inhalants ($99.95)                                                                Browse  Product  #9608 at
      For an additional 14 titles in this bundle as well as previews of each, browse Product #9606 for an additional
      at                                                         25 titles.

                                           SPECIAL VALUE LIBRARIES

      The Addiction & Recovery Library
      #9929 The following 18 resources should be in every library that offers important reference materials on substance
      abuse and treatment. Can purchase separately. SPECIAL: $2,549.00 for complete library of 18 products.
      BOOKS                               z  Can Psychedelics Cure? ($169.95)  GAMES
           z Addiction and Grace ($15.99)    z  Cannabis: Satanic Herb or Healing Potion?     z  Alcohol Prevention Bingo ($42.95)
           z  Addiction Recovery Workbook ($22.99)  ($169.95)             z  Recovery Bingo ($42.95)
           z  Breaking Addiction ($16.99)    z Cocaine and Crack ($99.95)
           z  Get Out of Your Own Way ($18.00)    z  Designer Drugs: Uncertain Borders ($169.95)
           z Life Without a Crutch ($7.95)    z  Helping Men Recover: A Program for Treating
           z  Mindful Recovery ($17.95)  Addiction in Correctional Settings ($239.95)
           z The Recovery Book ($17.95)    z  Legal Drugs: Still Addictive, Still
      VIDEOS/TRAINING PROGRAMS           Deadly ($169.95)
           z  Addiction, Relapse, and Recovery Video     z Seven Myths of Addiction ($179.95)
                                          z  Time Bomb: OxyContin Addiction ($169.95))
          Series ($1,099.00)
                Drug Education Library
                #9936 The following 10 resources should be in every library that offers important reference materials on better understanding specific drugs as
                well as the dangers of drug usage. Can purchase separately. SPECIAL: $1,999.00 for complete library of 10 drug education products.
                           BOOKS                                   VIDEOS
                                z Addictive Thinking ($16.95)          z Drug Class Series 1 ($639.95)
                                z The Alcohol and Addiction Cure ($15.95)    z Drugs and the Brain (5 videos – $849.75)
                                z Breaking Addiction ($16.99)          z  Messing With Heads: Marijuana and
                                z  Dopesick: Dealers, Doctors, and The Drug Company    Mental Illness ($169.95)
                               That Addicted America ($21.99)          z Time Bomb: OxyContin Addiction ($169.95)
                                z The Recovery Book ($17.95)
                                z Understanding the Twelve Steps ($17.99)

             #9676  ADDICTION  RECOVERY WORKBOOK:   #2912  UNDERSTANDING THE TWELVE        #2913  THE RECOVERY BOOK:  Answers to
             Powerful Skills for Preventing Relapse Every-  STEPS.  Terence T. Gorski.  Millions of people   All  Your Questions About Addiction and
             day. Paula A. Freedman. Equips users with strategies   have transformed their lives by working the   Alcoholism and Finding Health and Happi-
             and coping skills to prevent relapse and succeed in   Twelve Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous.  This   ness in Sobriety (2nd Edition).  Al J. Mooney,
             recovery  when  faced  with  day-to-day  challenges,   practical, no-nonsense guide takes the mys-  MD, Catherine Dold, and Howard Eisenberg. This
             stressors, and triggers. From navigating intimate re-  tery out of the  Twelve Steps, presenting a   edition provides a direct and easy-to-follow road
     lationships to handling high-risk situations and environments, this   straightforward explanation of what each step means, as   map to every step in the recovery process, from the momen-
     workbook offers practical tools and hands-on exercises that you can   well as examples of how it translates to real life. 208 pages.   tous decision to quit to the emotional, physical, and spiritual
     use in your home, work, and personal life. 188 pages. 2018. $22.99.           issues that arise along the way. Its comprehensive and effec-
     SPECIALS: 10 copies for $207.95; 100 copies for $1,899.00.  $17.99. SPECIALS: 10 copies for $169.95; 100 copies   tive advice speaks to people with addiction, their loved ones,
                                             for $1,545.00.                        and addiction professionals who need a proven, trusted re-
             #7163 ADDICTION AND GRACE: Love and                                   source and a supportive voice. 624 pages. 2014. $17.95
             Spirituality in the Healing of Addictions.   #8831 BREAKING ADDICTION.  Lance  M.
             Gerald G. May, MD. This popular book offers an in-  Dodes. Outlines 7 critical steps for overcoming   #3836  GET OUT OF  YOUR OWN  WAY:
             spiring and hope-filled vision for those who want to   addiction based on the author’s key finding:   Overcoming Self-Defeating Behavior. Dr.
             explore the mystery of who and what they really are.   virtually every addictive act is preceded by   Mark Goulston and Philip Goldberg. Self-sabo-
             Examines the “processes of attachment” that lead to   feelings of helplessness, the trigger for setting   tage is a toxic behavior that prevents us from
             addiction. Details various addictions, including al-  addiction in motion. Dodes’s ideas have been   achieving love, success, and happiness. Shows
     cohol, drugs, work, sex, performance, responsibility, and intimacy.   adopted by therapists and treatment centers around the
                                                                                           how to transform behavior from self-defeating
     Emphasizes the role “control” plays in the addiction process. 240   world and are taught by universities and training centers   to life-enhancing. 208 pages. $18.00. SPECIALS: 10 cop-
     pages. 2007. $15.99. SPECIALS: 10 copies for $149.00; 100   for clinicians. 240 pages. $16.99. SPECIALS: 10 copies for
     copies for $1,329.00.                   $149.95; 100 copies for $1,445.00.    ies for $169.95; 100 copies for $1,499.95.
        IMPACT PUBLICATIONS          orders 800.361.1055    fax 703.335.9486    online ordering   5-2024
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