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Managing Anger & Rage . . .

                     Cage Your Rage Program (Enhanced Curriculum)
                     #216 The most widely used anger management program in prisons and jails. Includes 4
                     videos on a single DVD, 10 workbooks, 10 pocket guides, and a leader’s guide. SPECIAL:
                     Complete program for 10 participants, $799.00; for 25 participants, $1,199.00.
                         x Cage Your Rage DVD Program: #3037 Facilitates open discussions in group counseling set-
                       tings about managing volatile emotions. Includes dramatized scenes to stimulate discussion and
                       demonstrate anger management techniques. Inmates discuss
                       their own methods of managing anger. 75 minutes. Can purchase   BESTSELLER!
                       separately for $483.00. Four videos on single DVD:
                         •  Anger Past and Present  •  Anger and Aggression
                         •  What Causes Anger   •  Managing Your Anger
                         x Cage Your Rage Workbook: An Inmate’s Guide to Anger Control: #2908 This classroom
                       training and self-study workbook examines what anger is, explains its causes, and offers useful
                       ways to manage it. 125 pages. 10 copies for $260.00. Also available in Spanish (#2908) and
                       Women’s (#3677) versions.
                         x The Anger Management Pocket Guide: #9100 Includes 10 pocket guides for 24/7 use
                       inside and outside the classroom. 2015. 64 pages. $2.95 per copy or 10 copies for $26.55
                       (see pages 8 and 20 for product details).
                         x Cage Your Rage Leader’s Guide: #388 Includes interesting exercises, activities, and dra-
                       matizations. Essential resource for inmate facilitator. 102 pages. 1997. $55.00.


    Hands Down: A Domestic Violence Treatment Program
    #5682 Focuses on victim safety and offender accountability. Helps men understand why they
    act violently. Eliminates violence from their lives by focusing on Definitions of Domestic Vio-
    lence, Domestic Violence Issues, Thinking Skills, Communication, Relationship Skills, and Manag-
    ing Anger and Stress. Program includes a 198-page workbook (Hands Down: A Domestic Violence Treatment
    Workbook – $22.00) and a 114-page instructor’s guide (Hands Down: An Instructor’s Manual for Domestic
    Violence Treatment – $55.00). 2006. $75.95. SPECIALS: 10 copies of the workbook for $210.00; 100 cop-
    ies of the workbook for $1,850.00.

      Beyond Violence:                                        Manhood and
      A Prevention Program for                                Violence:
      Criminal Justice-Involved Women                         Fatal Peril      DVD
      Stephanie S. Covington                                  #4044 This one-hour docu-
      #4270 This 40-hour evidence- based manualized curric-   mentary examines re-entry
      ulum is designed for women in criminal justice settings   and the issue of male violence as it relates to the male
      (jails, prisons, and community corrections) with histories   role belief system. It focuses on nine men from diverse
      of aggression, violence, and/or trauma they have both   ethnicities who have either re-offended or violated the
      experienced and perpetrated.  This four-level model   terms and conditions of their probation/parole. The
      of violence prevention addresses the factors that put   men have all been court-mandated to participate in an
      people at risk for experiencing and/or perpetrating vi-  intensive four-month violence prevention project where
      olence. This model is used by the Centers for Disease   the re-arrest rate for violent offenses by the program’s
      Control and Prevention (CDC),  World Health Organi-  participants dropped by 80 percent. 58 minutes. 2003.
      zation (WHO), and was used in the Prison Rape Elim-  PRICING OPTIONS: DVD ($149.95); 3-year Stream-
      ination Act (PREA) research on women in prison. This   ing Video ($149.95); or DVD + 3-year Streaming
                         curriculum is a 20-session
                         (40 hours total) interven-
                         tion that consists of a fa-         Handling Anger and
                         cilitator’s guide (328 pag-         Frustration      DVD
                         es), participant workbook           #8181 Examines extreme anger.
                         (272 pages), and DVD for            Presents methods for loosening
                         $195.00; the workbook               the grip that all-consuming rage
                         for  $36.50 (English or             can have on one’s mind and ac-
                         Spanish versions – please   tions.  Viewers learn basic psychological concepts to
                         specify).  SPECIAL:  10   confront and remove obstacles, a primal instinct that all
                         workbooks for $345.00.   too easily translates into “lashing out.” Highlights steps
                         Also available –  Beyond   for dealing rationally with anger sources, focusing on
                         Anger  and  Violence   staying “centered” rather than “getting even.” 30 minutes.
                         (#8784 - see page 17).  2011. $99.95

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