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. . . Arresting Violence

     Managing Anger and Rage:      DVD
     The Niagara Falls Metaphor Video Workbook Program
     William Fleeman
     #9165 Focuses on the critical link between anger, substance abuse, and relapse. Explains
     how anger and the relapse process are similar to a disastrous trip down the Niagara River and
     over the Falls. Demonstrates how understanding Cues, Triggers, and Choices can overcome
     the destructiveness of the anger/relapse process. 43-minute DVD and one master copy of
     a 13-page interactive journal/workbook. 2015. $139.00. SPECIAL: 5 copies for $649.00.

     #8884 CONTINUING TO CAGE YOUR RAGE. Murray C. Cullen,   lives. Filled with personal stories and vignettes, this
     Ph.D., and Michael Bradley, Ph.D. A great self-directed resource for in-  book helps teens identify anger as a problem, recog-
                                                     nize how it’s used like a drug, find non-violent ways to
     mates  transitioning to the outside world or those already on parole.
     Equips them with the necessary tools to recognize their emotions   experience personal power, learn to change abusive
                                                     and violent behavior, focus on values and goals, avoid
     and feelings of anger in difficult situations. Shows how to be aware
                                                     relapse, and develop a non-violent lifestyle mission
     of one’s thoughts, behaviors, situations, and people around them to   statement. 230 pages. 2008.  $19.95.  SPECIALS: 10 copies for
     continue to keep the rage caged. Can be used alone or as an ex-
     cellent follow-up to the original Cage Your Rage Workbook (featured   $159.95; 100 copies for $997.50.
     on page 2). 90 pages. 2001. $23.00. SPECIALS: 10 copies for   #8906 ANGER WORKBOOK. Les Carter, Ph.D., and
     $210.00; 100 copies for $1,929.00.              Frank Minirth, M.D. Offers a unique 13-step interactive
            #2998  BEYOND ANGER:  A Guide for Men (2nd   program that will: (1) help you identify the best ways
            Edition). Thomas J. Harbin. Men are more violent and   to handle anger; (2) understand how pride, fear, lone-
            less willing to deal with emotions than women. Using   liness, and inferiority feed your anger; (3) uncover and
            simple exercises, this book shows angry men how to   eliminate the myths that perpetuate anger; (4) iden-
            control violent feelings as well as develop new habits to   tify learned patterns of relating, thinking, and behaving in your life
            prevent anger. 240 pages. 2018. $19.99. SPECIALS: 10   that influence your anger. 256 pages. 2012. $16.99. SPECIALS: 10
     copies for $189.00; 100 copies for $1,795.00.  copies for $153.95; 100 copies for $1,359.95.
     #5985 ANGER CONTROL WORKBOOK. Matthew McKay and Peter   #8697  ANGER MANAGEMENT FOR DUMMIES  (3rd Edi-
     D. Rogers. Offers a new and radically simplified approach to anger con-  tion).  W. Doyle Gentry, Ph.D. Outlines specific anger  manage-
     trol. Step-by-step exercises help readers identify, understand, respond   ment methods, skills, and exercises that help identify the
     to, and ultimately cope with their hostile feelings. Reveals important   sources of anger. Includes how to defuse anger before it
     relaxation techniques. 50 worksheets. 208 pages. 2000. $22.95. SPE-  strikes; express feelings calmly; respond rather than react;
     CIALS: 10 copies for $207.50; 100 copies for $1,856.00.  prevent anger incidents; release anger in a healthy way; use
                                             anger constructively; and get beyond old anger through for-
     #6271 MANAGING TEEN ANGER AND VIOLENCE. William Flee-  giveness. Covers road rage, air rage, office rage, and dealing
     man. Angry teens can be a threat to themselves, loved ones, and   with angry children. 384 pages. 2021. $24.99. SPECIALS: 10
     innocent bystanders. If left untreated, their costly behavior can ruin   copies for $229.00; 100 copies for $2,099.00.
     Angry Men: Managing Anger in an Unforgiving World (2nd Edition)
     #2684 Written as both a self-directed and instructional book, this book shows men how anger affects
     them and how they can take charge and gain control of their anger. Men will see themselves in true
     stories from law enforcement officers, military men, and others who lost it because their anger took
     over. Includes easy-to-use practical anger management skills. 144 pages. 2018. ISBN 978-157023-
     397-5. $17.95. SPECIALS: 10 copies for $161.60; 100 copies for $1,077.00.
     Angry Women: Stop Letting Anger Control Your Life!
     #2685 Women let anger hurt their self-image, narrow their choices, limit their careers, and destroy their
     families. They let anger lead them into depression, eating disorders, and destructive relationships. This
     book shows women how to take better control of their lives. Designed to be both self-directed and in-
     structional, it includes easy to use practical, down-to-earth skills to reclaim control of their lives. 142 pages.
     2004. ISBN 978-157023-206-0. $14.95. SPECIALS: 10 copies for $119.95; 100 copies for $747.50.


      Rage: A Social Analysis      DVD
      #6197 Obscenities, screaming matches, fistfights, shootings – these have become almost stan-
      dard forms of public expression. Why? Can society’s violent downward spiral be reversed? This
      bestselling program explores the emotional causes and social dangers of short fuses, linking the
      pressures of a hard-driving, high-tech world to the prevalence of an easily threatened, easily an-
      gered point of view. Breaking its analysis into three parts, the program examines road rage, work-
      place aggression, and violence among sports spectators, with observations from police officers,
      anger management counselors, athletes, and recovering “ragers.” Highlights nonviolent ways to
      assert needs and grievances. 48 minutes. © 2004. PURCHASE OPTIONS: DVD and/or 3-year
      Streaming for $169.95; DVD and 3-year Streaming for $305.95.

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