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Finding Your Best Self:
                     Recovery From Addiction, Trauma, or Both
                     Lisa M. Najavits, Ph.D.
                     #10019 Addiction and trauma are two of the most common and difficult issues that peo-
                     ple face. A leading expert explains the link between addiction and trauma and presents sci-
                     ence-based self-help strategies that you can use no matter where you are in your recovery. Ev-
                     ery chapter features inspiring words from people who have “been there,” plus carefully designed
                     reflection questions, exercises, and other practical tools. 269 pages. © 2019. $16.95. SPECIAL:
                     10 copies for $152.95.

     Addiction DVD Series
     Terence T. Gorski
     #4184  These three programs on one DVD focuses on addiction as a brain disease that causes personality
     problems and social dysfunctions. Takes a hard look at alcohol and other drugs, explains risk factors, and
     shows how to recognize and stop denial in order to break out of the addiction cycle. Three programs
     include: Mind-Altering Substances, Addictive Risk Factors, and Substance Abuse and Addiction. Viewing time:
     32 minutes per program. $399.00.


     Recovery Toolkits for                    Addiction and Grace: Love and Spirituality
     Substance Use Disorders (SUDs)           in the Healing of Addictions
     and Co-Occurring Disorders (CODs)        Gerald G. May, MD
     Dr. Dennis C. Daley, Ph.D.               #7163 This popular book offers an inspir-
     #9725 One of the best recovery ideas in the field of ad-  ing and hope-filled vision for those who
     diction by one of America’s leading experts on Substance   want to explore the mystery of who and
     Use Disorders (SUDs) and Co-Occurring Disorders (CODs)   what they really are. Examines the “pro-
     – Dennis C. Daley, Ph.D. Five unique Recovery Toolkits in-  cesses of attachment” that lead to addic-
     clude a variety of hands-on materials for dealing with ma-  tion. Details various addictions, including alcohol, drugs,
     jor addictions/disorders. Each toolkit helps users develop   work, sex, performance, responsibility, and intimacy.
     coping strategies for managing SUDs or CODs. Also, each   Emphasizes the role “control” plays in the addiction pro-
     toolkit includes strategies for families in treatment and/or   cess. A hopeful guide to freedom based on contempla-
     recovery. Can purchase separately. SPECIAL: $289.95 for   tive spirituality. 240 pages. 2007. $15.99. SPECIALS: 10
     all 6 toolkits. For details on each Toolkit, explore the titles   copies for $149.00; 100 copies for $1,329.00.
     at                  #3836 GET OUT OF YOUR OWN WAY: Overcom-
        y Recovery Toolkit for Alcohol Use and Abuse ($56.00 – #9728)  ing Self-Defeating Behavior Dr. Mark Goulston and
        y Recovery Toolkit for Opioid Use and Abuse ($60.00 – #9727)  Philip Goldberg. Self-sabotage is a toxic behavior
        y Recovery Toolkit for Cocaine and Meth Addiction ($56.00 – #9726)  that prevents us from achieving love, success, and
                                                     happiness. Shows how to transform behavior from
        y Recovery Toolkit for Co-Occurring Disorders ($58.00 – #9729)  self-defeating to life-enhancing. 208 pages. 1996.
        y Recovery Toolkit for Criminal Justice Clients ($50.00 – #9730)  $17.00. SPECIALS: 10 copies for $159.95; 100 copies for
        y Recovery from Marijuana Problems ($49.00 – #9742)  $1,399.95.
            #2913 THE   RECOVERY BOOK:  Answers to All   #9676  ADDICTION  RECOVERY WORKBOOK:
            Your Questions About Addiction and Alcohol-  Powerful Skills for Preventing Relapse Everyday.
            ism and Finding Health and Happiness in Sobri-  Paula A. Freedman. Equips users with strategies and
            ety (2nd Edition).  Al J. Mooney, MD, Catherine Dold,   coping skills to prevent relapse and succeed in recov-
            and Howard Eisenberg. This edition provides a direct   ery when faced with day-to-day challenges, stressors,
            and easy-to-follow road map to every step in the re-  and triggers. From navigating intimate relationships to
     covery process, from the momentous decision to quit to the emo-  handling high-risk situations and environments, this
     tional, physical, and spiritual issues that arise along the way. Its com-  workbook offers practical tools and hands-on exercises that you can
     prehensive and effective advice speaks to people with addiction,   use in your home, work, and personal life. 188 pages. 2018. $22.99.
     their loved ones, and addiction professionals who need a proven,   SPECIALS: 10 copies for $207.95; 100 copies for $1,899.00.
     trusted resource and a supportive voice. 624 pages. 2014. $17.95
     Coloring Books That Free Anxious Minds (Adult)
     #9315 Better than therapy, this terrific collection of bestselling adult coloring books is one of
     the best book ideas ever! Each book contains stunning images that help users de-stress, relax,
     and free their anxious minds. Engaging, fun, and wonderful tests of hidden artistic talents,
     these books truly enrich lives. Ideal for individuals as well as groups. Can purchase separately.
     All 8 coloring books for $99.95. SPECIALS: 10 sets of 8 coloring books for $939.95;
     100 sets of 8 coloring books for $8,999.00.
        y  The Mindfulness Coloring Book: Anti-Stress Art      y  Posh Adult Coloring Book: Hymnspirations
       Therapy for Busy People ($9.95)    for Joy & Praise ($15.99)
        y  The Mindfulness Coloring Book, Volume Two –      y  Posh Adult Coloring Book: Soothing Designs
       More Anti-Stress Art Therapy ($9.95)  for Fun and Relaxation ($15.99)
        y  Posh Adult Coloring Book: Cats and Flowers      y  Posh Adult Coloring Book: Thomas Kinkade
       for Fun and Relaxation ($15.99)    Designs for Inspiration and Relaxation ($12.99)
        y  Posh Adult Coloring Book: Cats and Kittens      y  Tattoos: A Gorgeous Coloring Book With
       for Comfort and Creativity ($12.99)  More Than 120 Illustrations to Complete ($9.99)

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