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Battle of Social Networks     DVD       Your Hired    DVD
     #9696 Roughly five billion people around the world own a   #7790  There’s nothing like
     mobile phone, and more than half of them are smartphones.   preparation to calm the pre-
     Millions of texts, images, and videos circulate daily through   interview jitters! Includes
     social networks, a perfect weapon for social organization. This   downloadable online in-
     program looks at the ways in            structor’s guide. Closed-cap-
     which social networks are used          tioned. 26 minutes. 2010. FORMAT/PURCHASE OP-
     as a tool for education, justice,       TIONS: DVD ($99.95); Streaming  Video, 3-Year
     and disseminating information,          Subscription ($99.95); and DVD + Streaming Vid-
     as well as how they are abused          eo ($179.00).
     for personal and political gain.
     54 minutes. ©2019. $169.95 for          Social Media Manners     DVD
     DVD or Streaming.                       #7031 Conducting relationships online can be challenging,
                                             especially when it comes to knowing the rules for cell phone
                   Barriers to               use, text messaging, email, and social media websites and
                   Communication and         apps like Facebook or Twitter. Divided into 6 segments, this
                   How to Overcome Them      program includes: Introduction, The 4 Guidelines, Mobile
                                             Manners, Texting, Social Media, and Final Advice. 19 min-
                   #8997 A closed door, an exasperated   utes. 2015. $79.95 for DVD or Streaming.
                   expression, a noisy workstation, a cul-
                   tural misunderstanding – all of these   Standout Careers Without a
                   are examples of noise, a general term   Four-Year Degree:
                   for anything that gets in the way of
                   effective  communication.  This  pro-  Vocational/Trade School, Certificate &
     gram explains the various types of noise and details specific   Apprenticeship Programs
     examples of physical, organizational, emotional, nonverbal,   #8105 Reveals a variety of trade careers – not
     cultural, language-related or written barriers. Through expert  just jobs – that do not require costly four-year degrees.
     interviews and creative vignettes, the video offers solutions to  These are readily available through vocational/trade
     overcoming these common communication barriers. 35 min- schools and lead to cost-effective certificates, associates
     utes. 2015. PURCHASE OPTIONS: DVD ($129.95), 3-year  degrees, and apprenticeships. Great careers for ex-offend-
     Streaming ($129.95), or DVD plus 3-year Streaming  ers re-entering society and for staying out for good! 15
     ($229.00).                              minutes. 2018. $108.00.

     What Would You Do?      DVD
     #4374 Encourages viewers to explore biases and stereotypes. Each scenario puts ac-
     tors into exchanges with unwitting bystanders, generating a wide range of responses
     – from overt hostility towards other races and cultures to acts of genuine compassion.
     Topics explored include disability, LGBT, homelessness, race and ethnicity, and more.
     118 minutes. 2014. $169.95 for DVD or Streaming Video.

              Assertive Communication Skills     DVD
              #5234 Takes a fresh look at communication problems, from overcoming obstacles to developing use-
              ful habits. Addresses communication breakdowns, and outlines simple steps to avoid emotional battle-
              grounds. Four modules cover changing bad habits, different communication styles, emotions, assertive
              techniques, and much more. Includes a PDF viewer’s guide and assessment. 90 minutes. $99.95
                 Upgrade Your Communication Skills at Work Series     DVD

                 #7263  Being able to communicate well can make all the difference between getting promoted and
                 getting laid off, between getting hired and getting fired. This 12-DVD program shows how to be a
                 better communicator and listener; keep meetings interesting and productive; give presentations that
                 captivate and impress; network effectively with colleagues and associates; make the most of phone
                 calls and voicemail; use email efficiently and appropriately; write exceptional business letters; create
                 memorable ads and brochures that increase sales; develop and improve a company website or blog;
                 demonstrate professionalism in every business situation; and much, much more! Titles include:
          y Talking and Listening     y Networking     y Letters     y Websites and Blogs
          y Meetings          y Phone Calls and Messages   Ads and Brochures     y Professionalism
          y Presentations     y Email
    12 hours, 22 minutes. 2009. Can purchase separately. $39.95 each. SPECIAL: $379.95 for complete program.
     135 Interview Answers     DVD
     #8924 “Aren’t you overqualified for this position?” “Why is there a gap in your work his-
     tory?” “What would you take on a trip to Mars?” In this instructive and often humorous
     program, top recruiter Stephen Convoy (Microsoft, Nokia, Disney, Coca-Cola) instructs
     job-seekers on what to say and what never to say in response to specific interview
     questions. Divided into sections that reflect key areas of recruiters’ interest – person-
     ality, competency, behavior, self-motivation, and aspiration – the video presents an
     array of both good and bad replies. Viewers learn how to handle questions that are
     common but difficult (“What do you want to get out of this meeting?”), and gain insight into what employers really want
     to know when they say “Tell me about yourself.” 79 minutes. 2013. $169.95 for DVD or Streaming Video.

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