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Workbooks & Handbooks

     Job Smarts: 12 Steps to Job Success (3rd Edition)
     Dixie Lee Wright
     #3583 Designed for students and adults with low reading levels and other special needs, this highly
     simplified and visual book outlines how to find, get, and keep a job. Covers identifying skills, setting
     goals, communicating attitudes, completing applications, interviewing for the job, settling into a
     job, and much more. Includes free downloadable online instructor’s guide. 96 pages. 2010. $29.00.
     SPECIALS: 10 copies for $267.95; 100 copies for $2,359.00; 1,000 copies for $22,999.00.
     Companion Job Survival Workbook also available (see #4013 at
                Quick Resume Guide: Six Steps to Building an Effective Resume
                #7786 The six resume-building steps outlined in this book help job seekers quickly master resume
                writing basics, including editing, rewriting, and targeting the resume on potential employers. Users
                also learn how to write effective, personalized cover letters to accompany their resume. Includes
                clear sample resumes, helpful worksheets, and practical advice. 64 pages. 2010. $8.95. SPECIALS:
                10 copies for $64.95; 100 copies for $609.50; 500 copies for $2,647.50.

                Job Interview Success Workbook
                #6351 Helps job seekers understand and prepare for the job interview. Walks them through
                dozens of exercises designed to get them ready for their next job interview. Users learn about
                everything from researching a company’s mission statement to negotiating their salary or wage.
                Jam-packed with tips and self-evaluation exercises. Designed to be used as a stand-alone re-
                source or in conjunction with the two new interview DVDs: Step-by-Step Interview Success and
                Winning Answers to Common Interview Questions (see page 6). 44 pages. 2018. $8.95. SPECIALS:
                10 copies for $62.95; 100 copies for $609.50; 500 copies for $2,647.50.

     Job Savvy: How to Be a Success          Passport to Career Success
     at Work (6th Edition)                   #8927  This 8-part workshop program
     LeVerne L. Ludden, Ed.D.                prepares individuals for the real world.
     #5089 Helps individuals develop job     It includes a Participant  Workbook and
     survival skills, increase productivity, and   Facilitator’s Guide  complete  with Pow-
     improve job satisfaction and success.   erPoint presentations and evaluations.
     Covers punctuality, dress, problem solv-  Workshops include Social Media,  Time
     ing, ethics, communication, technology,   Management, Professionalism,  Teamwork,  Resume,  Job
     performance reviews, promotions, and much more. 256   Search, Interviews, and Internships. 2014. $24.00 for Partic-
     pages. 2019. $34.00. SPECIALS: 10 copies for $321.95;   ipant’s Workbook; $110.50 for Facilitator’s Guide. SPE-
     100 copies for $2,959.00. Online Instructor Resource   CIALS: Both for $131.00; one guide and 10 workbooks,
     Guide (delivered via access code) for $50.95.  $334.95; one guide and 25 workbooks, $649.95.
     Cage Your Rage Workbook and Pocket Guide
     #9128 The perfect combination of rehabilitation resources for inmates in prisons, jails, and de-
     tention centers; parolees entering the community; and others participating in anger/rage man-
     agement programs. These workbooks/guides help users better manage their rage, anger, and
     aggression. Integrated for use in the classroom (workbook) and individually (pocket guide), they
     contribute to a more stable, focused, and empathetic population which, in turn, results in a more secure
     facility and safer community. See more product details on pages 35. SPECIALS: $26.95 for both: 10
     copies each for $248.00; 50 copies each for $1,026.00; 100 copies each for $1,999.00.
     Job Hunting Handbook
     Harry Dahlstrom
     #4162 This bestselling (over 7 million copies) job search guide is used by thousands of schools, job
     training programs, One-Stop Centers, and placement professionals. Includes the basic steps in finding a
     job: 3 things every employer looks for; 6 proven ways to “get in the door” for an interview; how to ask for
     recommendations and create a compelling “opening statement”; 13 ways to show enthusiasm – and sell
     yourself; 50 interview questions to expect – and the answers; and 19 questions you should ask in an inter-
     view. Available in English and Spanish versions (please specify). 48 pages. $6.99. SPECIALS: 10 copies,
     $57.95; 25 copies, $129.95; 50 copies, $249.95; 100 copies, $495.95; 1,000 copies, $4,799.00.
                 Overcoming Barriers to Employment Success (2nd Edition)
                 #6827 Brings the best-selling inventory Barriers to Employment Success (see page 10) alive by offer-
                 ing practical advice on how to overcome five major categories of barriers for finding and keeping
                 a job, Users learn to overcome personal, physical, financial, and emotional barriers to getting a job;
                 discover more effective ways to find work; explore education and training options; make better de-
                 cisions; and develop a career plan. An easy to read and engaging workbook that includes numerous
                 worksheets, checklists, tips, and journaling exercises. 98 pages. 2015. $25.00. SPECIALS: 10 copies
                 for $234.95; 100 copies for $2,399.00; and 1,000 copies for $22,495.00.
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