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Games, Flash Cards, and Posters

     Recharge: Beyond the Bars Re-Entry Game
     #3181 A game that can literally transform the thinking, lives, and relationships of ex-offenders. Address-
     ing  their  emotional,  social,  and  communication struggles,  this cognitive-behavioral  activity  focuses  on
     key re-entry issues. Widely used in pre- and post-release programs, this interactive card deck presents 400
     thoughtful questions. It creates a fun environment for building interaction, support, trust, reflection, moti-
     vation empathy, compassion, reduced trauma and stress, and more. Simple to implement. Played by 2-8
     people. TIP: A group leader can work with 20+ players in a single room by dividing them into 2-8 people
     per game. Includes a free downloadable facilitator’s guide. $54.95. SPECIALS: 10 games for $499.95;
     100 games for$4,595.00. Recharge: Beyond the Bars Game (Prison Survival Version) – #4307 – also available.
     The Ultimate Job and Career Board Game Collection
     #6360 Monopoly-style board games. This collection of bestselling products covers anger management, career
     planning, interview skills, hiring, and more.  Can purchase separately. SPECIAL: $365.95 for all 7 games.
         y Anger IQ ($42.95)
         y Career Odyssey ($59.95)
         y EQ for Success ($42.95)
         y From Rage to Reason ($59.95)
         y Interview Challenge ($59.95)
         y  You Can’t Fire the Customer ($59.95)
         y   You’re Hired! ($59.95)

     Acing the                               Job Search Pointers
     Interview Cards:                        #3419  This colorful set of
     Answers to the Top 20 “Killer”          6 posters or banners helps
     Interview Questions                     point one’s job search in the
                                             right direction. Each includes
     #4923 Thirty flash cards (3¼” x 3¼”),   important bulleted informa-
     include answers to the top 20 “killer”   tion for explaining how to
     interview questions. Includes strategies for handling ille-  implement each concept.
     gal and trick questions. Terrific way to quickly prepare for   18” x 24” laminated posters
     a stressful job interview. $19.99. SPECIALS: 10 sets for   for $131.95.
     $179.95; 50 sets for $849.95; 100 sets for $1,599.95.
                                                 y Attitude    y Focus     y Persistence
     Life Skills Bingo Games                     y Exploration    y Networking    y Preparation
     #6339 This set of high-interest bingo games facilitates dis-  Introduction to Career
     cussions, helps build skills, and assists teens and adults in   Clusters Poster Set
     evaluating their attitudes and behaviors on a variety of im-
     portant life skills and behavioral issues. Each game includes   #6373  These posters sum-
     laminated bingo cards, calling cards, and reproducible hand-  marize the U.S. Department
     outs. Available in adult and/or teen versions. Can purchase   of Education’s career clusters.
     separately for $42.95 each. SPECIAL: $289.95 for 7 adult   The set includes sample oc-
     bingo games; $667.00 for 17 teen bingo games.  cupations within each cluster,
                                              as well as examples of school
        y Alcohol Prevention Bingo (Teen only)  subjects, interests, and skills
        y Anger Bingo (Teen or Adult)         related to each career in the
        y  Berenstain Bears Good Behavior     cluster. Comes as a set of 17
       Bingo Games (Ages 5-10)                laminated 17”x 22” posters.
        y Bully Prevention Bingo (Teen only)  $114.95 for the complete
        y Communication Skills Bingo (Teen only)  set. Careers illustrated:
        y Conflict Resolution Bingo (Teen only)    y  Agriculture, Food, and     y Hospitality and Tourism
        y Coping Bingo (Teen only)             National Resources    y Human Services
        y Drug Prevention Bingo (Teen only)      y  Architecture and      y Information Technology
        y Harassment Prevention Bingo (Teen only)  Construction      y  Law, Public Safety,
        y Healthy Habits Bingo (Teen only)       y  Arts, Audio-Video    Corrections, and Security
        y  Healthy Relationships Bingo         Technology and        y Manufacturing
       (Teen or Adult)                         Communication         y  Marketing, Sales, and
        y Recovery Bingo (Teen or Adult)         y  Business, Management,   Justice
        y Resiliency Bingo  (Teen & Adult)     and Administration    y  Science, Technology,
        y Self-Esteem Bingo (Teen & Adult)       y Education and Training  Engineering, and Math
        y  Smoking Prevention Bingo              y Energy            y  Transportation,
                                                                   Distribution, and Logistics
                                                 y Finance
       (Teen only)
        y Social Skills Bingo (Teen & Adult)     y  Government and Public
        y Stress Bingo (Teen or Adult)           y Health Science
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