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Stop Recidivism, Now! Re-Entry Video/Workbook Collection
                      #1880 Three bestselling DVDs, with 3 popular workbooks, assist ex-of-
                      fenders in finding jobs and staying out for good! Jam-packed with prac-
                      tical information, true stories, and tips for success. DVDs run 28-
                      40 minutes each:
                           z 9 to 5 Beats Ten to Life ($95.00)
                           z Out for Good ($95.00)
                           z Tough Questions, Straight Answers ($95.00)
                      Package includes 3 bestselling re-entry workbooks:
                           z Ex-Offender’s Job Interview Guide ($13.95)
                           z Ex-Offender’s Quick Job Hunting Guide ($13.95)
                           z Ex-Offender’s Re-Entry Success Guide ($13.95)
                      Can purchase separately.  SPECIAL:  $299.95 for complete
                      set of DVDs/ workbooks.

                Picking Up the Pieces: A Workbook for Incarcerated Women  BESTSELLER!
                Beverly Welo, LAC
                #4290 Many incarcerated women have made poor decisions that send their
                lives on a downward spiral. They experience feelings of loss and grief in many areas of their lives. Those
                with children also feel shame and grief for failing as parents. Many also have lost jobs, their spirituality,
                and their dreams and goals in life. Accordingly, many escape into alcohol and drugs. This workbook
                helps incarcerated women accept responsibility for their decisions and shows them how to put their
     lives back on track. 109 pages. 2004. $20.00. SPECIALS: 10 copies for $180.00; 100 copies for $1,600.00.

      Abused Boys,                            Power Source Curriculum
      Wounded Men                             Program (for Juveniles)
      #7266 Designed for use in               #6372 Helps at-risk youth discover the
      community corrections and               best in themselves. Addresses impulse con-
      institutional settings, this six-       trol, anger management, stress reduction,
      week curriculum program                 conflict resolution, high-risk behaviors, and childhood
      helps adult offenders identify          abuse/neglect. Program components include:
      instances of early abuse, rec-              y  Power Source: Taking Charge of Your Life (20 copies
      ognize how it impacted their               of book – English or Spanish versions - $300.00)
      lives, and learn how to live a productive life in spite of     y Power Source Workbook (20 copies - $199.00)
      it. Includes interviews with adult inmates who share     y  Power Source Facilitator’s Manual (1 copy - $80.00)
      how their childhood abuse contributed to their fail-    y Power Source Video Series (4 DVDs - $289.00)
      ures in life. The curriculum includes 2 DVDs (141 min-  Can purchase separately.  SPECIAL: The  complete
      utes), 10 workbooks, and 1 facilitator’s guide. $315.00  program for $838.00.

     From the Inside Out Curriculum     DVD             BESTSELLER!
     #4294 This 12-week curriculum helps ex-offenders build, strengthen,
     and maintain relationships as well as develop skills needed to make relationships work. Provides
     concrete examples, specific advice, inmate testimonials, and role plays to teach inmates how
     to improve relationships by taking responsibility for themselves. The program includes three
     DVDs ($99.00 each), a 124-page facilitator’s guide ($99.00), and 44 pages of reproducible
     worksheets ($39.95). Each DVD is divided into four parts. 1999. Can purchase each separately.
   y Finding Employment ($153.00)  Complete package for $425.00. SPECIALS: 10 sets for $3,989.00; 25 sets for $9,687.00.
   y Succeeding on the Job ($153.00)
         y Taking Personal Responsibility (40 minutes total, sessions 1-4)    y Being Trustworthy (46 minutes total, sessions 9-12)
         y Recognizing Old Behavior Patterns (46 minutes total, sessions 5-8)

     TRY – Treatment Readiness for You:
     A Workbook for Sexual Offenders             BESTSELLER!
     Murray C. Cullen, Ph.D., and Robin J. Wilson, Ph.D.
     #4389 Widely used in rehabilitation programs for sex offenders, this workbook helps users
     face critical issues that lead them to act the way they do. TRY helps them break through the
     walls of denial and tackle the real issues causing their behaviors. 74 pages. 2003. $15.00.
     SPECIALS: 10 copies for $135.00; 100 copies for $1,200.00.

                   TRY – Treatment Readiness for You: A Workbook for Youth at Risk
                   Murray C. Cullen, Ph.D. and Susan O’Neill
                   #5687 This program helps young people successfully transition from childhood to adult-
                   hood. Covers getting ready for change, figuring out who and where they are, overcoming
                   ambivalence, and barriers to making positive life changes. 78 pages. 2005. $15.00. SPE-
                   CIALS: 10 copies for $135.00; 100 copies for $1,200.00.

                                orders   800.361.1055    |    online ordering  7
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