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P. 11

Growing Chives

              Chives require at least five to eight hours of sunlight a day.  Grow them on a southern or eastern
              exposure to the light.  If you are growing them on a windowsill, turn regularly to ensure every side
              receives light.  If you are unable to provide this amount of light, they also grow well under fluores-
              cent lights.  Hang lights 6 inches above the plants and leave lights on for 14 hours per day.

              In the garden, plant chives with carrots.  They are good companion plan�ngs for tomatoes and fruit

              trees.  Chives or garlic planted between rows of peas or le�uce control pashas and are reported to
              control the incidence of aphids when planted between roses.  In the kitchen, use chives in omelets,
              scrambled eggs, casseroles, rice, dips, gravies, bu�er, meat, and seafood. Chives can be added to
              so� cheese, salads, sandwiches, sour cream, vinegar, and bake potatoes.  Chive blossoms can be
              used for garnishing and are par�cularly a�rac�ve in salads.  Chive stems can be used for tying up
              li�le bundles of vegetables for appe�zers.

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