Page 161 - The-secrets-of-vinegar_may2019
P. 161
Les Secrets du Les du
Refreshing After-Sport Lotion
• 1⁄2 cup (125 ml) thyme infusion
• 1⁄2 cup (125 ml) apple cider vinegar • 1⁄2 cup (125 ml) lavender infusion
• 1⁄2 cup (125 ml) boiled water
Prepare thyme infusion by adding 2 tbsp (30 ml) thyme to 4 cups (1 L) boiling water . Repeat process with lavender for the lavender infusion . Rub into skin after showering or bathing . Prepare a new batch every ten days, as it will lose its astringent properties . Store in a dark place .
Anti-Cellulite Ivy Bath
Add chopped ivy leaves to boiling apple cider vinegar .
Immediately remove from heat and allow leaves to soak for six hours . In the bathtub, rub cooled mixture into skin .
English ivy contains saponin, a natural cleanser,
as well as other cellulite-fighting compounds .
fresh English ivy leaves (hedera helix), chopped
1 cup (250 ml)
boiling apple cider vinegar