Page 4 - Love Our Schools 2019 Annual Report
P. 4

Mission Statement                                    Louisiana is a magnificent and eclectic state, abounding with opportunity
                                                                                               and bursting with pride over all that we have to offer.  We love our food,
                                                                                               our music and our culture – everything that truly makes Louisiana the
                                                                                               unique place we are proud to call home.  Unfortunately, our pride falls short
                                                                                               when it comes to education.  Ranked 48th in the nation, this glaring blight
                                                                                               has been a part of our great state’s history for too long.  It’s unacceptable,
                                                                                               and enough is enough!
                                                                                               In 2019, Love Our Schools was formed when two organizations, Love
                                                                                               Acadiana, a faith-based nonprofit, and the William C. Schumacher Family
                                                                                               Foundation, partnered together to put love into action, to restore hope
                                                                                               and to inspire change in our schools.  Starting in Lafayette Parish, this
                                                                                               partnership removed barriers that often derail efforts for change.  Love
                                                                                               Our Schools brought together the public sector, individuals, businesses,
                                                                                               churches, and nonprofit organizations, all united for a common cause –
                                                                                               taking a stand to revolutionize the educational system in support of a
                                                                                               brighter future for our children and our state.  It is through this type of
                                                                                               extraordinary and unprecedented partnership that entire communities can
                                                                                               be impacted and lives transformed.
                                                                                               Launching its first initiative in the summer of 2019, Love Our Schools put
                                                                                               out a call for help that resulted in an overwhelming groundswell of support.
                                                                                               The community donated $1.3 million, and nearly 3,000 people volunteered
                                                                                               to revitalize eight schools, equip 5,000 students and inspire over 750
                                                                                               teachers and staff.  It was an opportunity for all to be a part of a pivotal
                                                                                               change, showing that our community cares.
                                                                                               Now, the seeds have been planted and there’s no turning back.  Together,
                                                                                               we must continue supporting educational achievement across Louisiana.
                                                                                               No school should be failing, no teacher or staff member should feel alone
                                                                                               in the fight, and no child should feel as if he or she doesn’t matter.
                                                                                               As Nelson Mandela so eloquently stated, “Education is the most powerful
                                                                                               weapon which you can use to change the world.”  And that is exactly what
                                                                                               Love Our Schools plans to do…one school at a time, one teacher at a time,
                                                                                               one child at a time.  When we make a difference for even just one, that’s
                                                                                               when hope is restored and lives are impacted.  When we make a difference
                                                                                               for everyone, that’s when true change happens.
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