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             Boys/Under  15 Boys  Individual  Boys/Under  15  Boys  Team
             1994 S Barker (Sunderland H & AC)  1994 Morpeth H & AC
             1995 A Kordowicz (Bradford Grammar School)  1995 Sale Harriers Manchester
             1996 G Melvin (Border H & AC)  1996 Holmfirth  HAC
             1997 S Bates (Doncaster AC)    1997 Liverpool H & AC
             1998 C Iddon (Bolton United H & AC)  1998 Trafford AC
             1999 C Hawkins (Derby & County AC)  1999 Derby & County AC
             2000 S Enright (Halifax H & AC)  2000 Gateshead H & AC
             2001 A Moran (Trafford AC)     2001 Liverpool H & AC
             2002 A Holliday (Trafford AC)  2002 Trafford AC
             2003 R Pickering (Bridlington)  2003 Stockport H & AC
             2004 L Walker (Warrington AC)  2004 Preston H & AC
             2005 S Horsfield (East Cheshire H & Tameside AC)  2005 Leeds City AC
             2006 R Murray (Gateshead H)    2006 Warrington AC
             2007 D Forrester (Liverpool Pembroke Sefton  2007 Liverpool Pembroke Sefton
             2008 J Crompton (Horwich RMI Harriers)  2008 Leeds City AC
             2009 J Schofield (Scarborough AC)  2009 Wirral AC
             2010 N Jones(Wirral AC)        2010 Trafford AC
             2011 A Howard (Oldham & Royton)  2011 Halifax Harriers
             2012 Patrick DEVER (Preston Harriers & AC)  2012 Vale Royal AC
             2013 Daniel Evans (Warrington A C)  2013 City  of  York AC
             2014 Hugo Milner (Derby AC)    2014 City  of  York AC
             2015 Daniel Slater(Liverpool Pembroke Sefton)  2015 City  of  York AC
             2016 Josh Cowperthwaite (Middlesbrough AC)  2016 Vale Royal AC
             2017 Joshua Dickinson (City of York AC)  2017 Middlesbrough AC (Mandale)
             2018 Archie Lowe (Middlesbrough Athletic Club)  2018 Rotherham Harriers And AC
             Under  13 Boys  Individual     Under  13  Boys  Team
             1997 R Edgar (Lancaster & Morecambe AC)  1997 Liverpool H & AC
             1998 R Smith (Wirral AC)       1998 Wirral AC
             1999 D McQuarrie (Nestle Rowntree AC)  1999 Trafford AC
             2000 N Shrub (Wallsend H & AC  2000 Liverpool H & AC
             2001 R Pickering (Bridlington RR)  2001 Suderland H & AC
             2002 C Fitzpatrick (Hyndburn AC).  2002 Shildon R & AC
             2003 C Pearce (Blackburn AC)   2003 Warrington AC
             2004 M Jackson (Warrington AC)  2004 Warrington AC
             2005  D Beckett ( Sale Harriers Manchester).  2005  Sunderland H & AC
             2006 B Connor (Amber Valley)   2006 Skipton & District AC
             2007 M Kaye (Holmfirth H)      2007 Wirral AC
             2008 F Roberts (Richmond & Zetland)  2008 East Cheshire H & Tameside AC
             2009 J Knox (Helm Hill)        2009 Wirral AC
             2010 B Spencer (Middlesborough AC Mandale)  2010 WarringtonAC
             2011 J Schofield (City of York AC)  2011 City  of  York AC
             2012 Hugo Milner (Derby AC)    2012 Liverpool Harriers & AC
             2013 Julian Slater (City of Sheffield AC)  2013 Preston Harriers
             2014 Josh Cowperthwaite (Middlesboro AC Mandale)  2014 City  of  York AC
             2015 Joshua Dickinson(City of York  AC)  2015 City  of  York AC
             2016 Tommy Dawson (Leeds City AC)  2016 Eden Runners
             2017 Fraser Sproul (Kendal AC)  2017 Kendal Amateur Athletic Club
             2018 Joshua Blevins (North Shields Polytechnic )  2018 Sale Harriers Manchester
                          FORTHCOMING          NA   EVENTS
             NA U15/U13 Indoor T&F  3rd  February      EIS Sheffield
             ECCA National XC       23rd  February     Harewood House,  Leeds
             NA 12 & 6 Stage RR     24h March           Birkenhead Park.
             NA U15 & U17 5k Champs  24  March          Birkenhead Park.
             ERRA National 12 & 6   6th April          Birmingham
             NA Senior/U20 T&F Championships  1-2nd June  Sport City, Manchester
             NA Inter County Match  7th July           Middlesbrough
             NA 5K Champs 1         11th July          Sunderland
             NA U17/15/13  T&F Championships  17-18  August  Liverpool
             NA 6,4 & YA RR         15 or 22  September  Manchester
                                    (Date dependant on Premier League fixtures)
             ERRA 6, 4 and YA RR    6 th  October      Birmingham
             NA XC Relays           19thOctober        Sheffield
             ECCA XC Relays         2ndNovember        Mansfield
             NA 10 mile Champs      17  November       Preston 10 Mile
             UK Cross Challenge & Euro Trials   23rd November  Liverpool
             10k Championship       29th December      Ribble Valley 10k
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