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What’s the Scoop? September 2017
Although the annual State Charitable
Contribution Program (SCCP) doesn’t
officially begin until this month, DDS kicked
it off early and is off to a great start!
A hefty $400 has already been raised from
the Agency-wide Falcons Pre-Season Ticket
Drawing! Tamika Redding (left) of Field
Operations at HQ was the recipient of the
winning two tickets. Her husband Timothy,
was very happy as he is a huge Falcons fan!
In addition, Collective Goods came to
Headquarters to sell a variety of products
with DDS sharing in a portion of the
proceeds. Jeanette Carroll and Lolita Pope
from Field Operations enjoyed looking at the
books, toys and novelties.
Be on the lookout for more information
about DDS’ participation in the SCCP
program from co-chairs Deborah Moore,
Human Resources, and Jenine Hathaway,
Governmental Affairs and Communications.