Page 34 - DDS Annual Report FY 2019
P. 34



                                         For Hire            Medical Review Unit
                                                             This unit is responsible for reviewing medical
                                         To obtain           information to determine whether drivers are
                                         a For Hire          physically or mentally fit safely operate a motor
                                         Endorsement,        vehicle. The Medical Unit receives advice and
                                         limousine           recommendations from the Driver License
                                         chauffeurs, taxi    Advisory Board. In FY2019, the unit processed
                                         drivers, and ride   approximately 1,800 cases. Nearly 1,500 of these
                                         share drivers must  cases resulted in license revocations.
                                         possess a valid
Class C Georgia driver’s license and not have any            Records Management
felony convictions on their criminal record for the
seven-year period preceding date of application.             This unit is responsible for receiving, archiving
The applicant must submit an online application              and entering information from our field offices,
and also upload an employment authorization                  courts and other key business partners to
letter from the transportation network company               update customer driver records in a timely and
that intends to hire them. For U.S. Citizens, the C          accurate manner. Citations from all states must be
Endorsement expires when their driver’s license              processed through this unit if a Georgia driver is
expires. For Non-U.S. Citizens, it expires when              convicted of a traffic offense in any jurisdiction.
their immigration documents expire. At the end               This unit also processes mail-in reinstatements
of FY2019, there were 10,340 For Hire Drivers in             and motor vehicle reports (MVRs).


        Document Type	                                       Goal	 Monthly	  Achievement
        Citations	                                           (Days)	 Production	 Rate For Goal (Days)
        Drug Convictions	
        OOS Citations	                                       10	758	 99.81%
        OOS Citations E Form	
        Hearings Request	                                    10	 22	         100%
        Hearing Request (Payment Only)	                      10	 6871	       99.11%
        Hearing Results	
        Medical Certificates	                                10	 6894	       98.62%
        Motor Vehicle Report (MVR)	
        FTA		                                                7	 988	         99.67%
        Reinstatements (FTA DMS) 	
        License Surrender	                                   7	 1542	        98.97%
        Suspension Updates	
        Non-DMS Reinstatements	                              7	 58	          95.65%

                                                             7	 810	         100%

                                                             4	 4059	        95.9%

                                                             7	 643	         100%

                                                             14	 1182	       98.94%

                                                             7	 2181	        99.92%

                                                             21	 2650	       100%

                                                             21	 3191	       100%

                                                             7	 909	         100%

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