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            LOSING  YOUR                      ments have been completed. At the end of the  • Failure to appear in court or respond to a
                                              withdrawal period, a resident may apply for
            DRIVING PRIVILEGES                reinstatement and return of the license or the
                                              eligibility to obtain a license. Non-residents may   • Non-payment of Child Support;
                                              apply for reinstatement of driving privileges.   • Non-payment of the Super Speeder fee;
            This Section Covers                                                 • Safety responsibility;
                                              Disqualification of Commercial
            Types of Withdrawals .......................................... 46   Driver's License   • Medical revocation;
                                                lf a commercial driver's license is disquali­
            Reporting Convictions ......................................... 46   fied, all privileges to operate a oommercial mo­  • Parent requested revocation (under age 18).
            Types of Suspensions .......................................... 46   tor vehicle are withdrawn for a specifc period of   The Department is required by law to sus­
                                              time. At the end of the disqualification period,  pend the privileges of an individual for a convic­
            Implied Consent ................................................... .47   if a licensee holds a CDL license that is not ex­  tion of any of the following offenses:
            The Points System ............................................... 48   pi red, the licensee's commercial privileges will
             Points Reduction ................................................. 48   be automatically restored without any action   • Homicide by vehicle;
             Points Avoidance ................................................. 48   required, provided that the licensee is otherwise  • Feticide by Vehicle (1st degree);
            Safety Responsibility Law .................................. 48   eligible to still maintain a commercial driver's   • Serious injury by vehicle;
            Mandatory Revocations ....................................... 48   license. If the licensee does not hold a CDL at
                                              the expiration of the disqualification period,  • Driving under the influence of alcohol or
            Limited Driving Permits ...................................... 48   the licensee's ability to apply for a CDL will   drugs;
            Commercial Driving Disqualifications ............ ..49   be restored.   • Any felony in the commission of which a
             Major Traffc VIOiations ....................................... 49   A disqualification of commercial driving   motor vehicle is used;
                                              privileges does not, by itself, result in the sus­
             Serious Traffc Violations .................................... 49   pension or revocation of a licensee's privileges  • Using a motor vehicle in .fleeing or attempting
            Other Violations .................................................... 49   to operate a NO  -commercial motor vehicle.   to elude an officer;
                                              However, many offenses that result in a com­  • Hit and run or leaving the scene of a crash;
                                              mercial disqualification also result in a non­
                                              commercial suspension, though the periods of  • Racing;
              The State of Georgia consideIS dangerous and   withdrawal may differ. In Georgia, it is possible   • Operating a motor vehicle with a revoked,
                                              to lose commercial driving privileges for LIFE
            negligent drivers to be a direct and immediate   upon the conviction of certain offenses. More   canceled, or suspended registration;
            threat to the welfare and safety of the general   information related to the commercial driver's  • Driving without insurance;
            public, and it is in the best interest of the citizens   license program is available on our website at
            of Georgia to immediately remove such drivers    • Driving while licens is suspended, revoked,
            from the highways of this state. Therefore, the                       or canceled;
            Department of Driver Services is authorized                         • Refusal to weigh commercial motor vehicle;
            to withdraw the license or driving privileges  Reporting Convictions
            when evidence is obtained that the licensee is                      • Violation of license restriction (at the discre­
            a habitually dangerous or negligent driver of   Georgia courts are required by law to report   tion of the tria I court).
            a motor vehicle (from Georgia law §40-5-57)   the conviction of any offense that will result in a   In addition to the offenses listed above, the li­
                                              negative impact on a licensee's driving privilege   cense and/or driving privileges of an individual
            Types of Withdrawals              or that is otherwise required to be posted to the   under the age of 21 on the date of the conviction
                                              permanent driving history of an individual.
                                              This includes most traffic-related offenses as   will be suspended for the following offenses:
              The driver's license ofa ny ind ividua I, the eli­  well as certain non-traffic related offenses.   • Reckless driving;
            gibility to obtain a driver's license, or the ability   When the DDS receives a conviction for a
            to legally operate a motor vehicle in th  State of   Georgia license holder, the record is updated to   • Aggressive driving;
            Georgia may be impacted by one or more of the   reflect the conviction. If a conviction is received  • Speeding 24 mph or more over the speed
            following actions:                for an individual who holds a license from an­  limit;
            Cancellation                      other state or is the resident of another state,   • Unlawful passing of a school bus;
                                              the conviction information will be forwarded
              The Department of Driver Services is autho­  to the licensing authority of that state. lf a non­  • Improper passing on a hill or a curve;
            rized to cancel a license if the applicant fails to   resident, or a resident of Georgia who does not
            give the reuired or correct information needed   have a driver's license, is convicted of certain of­  • Any 4-point offense;
            at the time application is made, or if the indi­  fenses, the eligibility to obtain a Georgia driver's  • Four or more points in 12 months prior to
            vidual becomes otherwise ineligible after ap­  license  and/or  driving privileges in Georgia   age 18;
            plication has been made. A resident may reapply   will be suspended.
            for a License once the requirements have been   Convictions reported to the Georgia DDS by
            satisfied and the resident is otherwise eligible.
                                              licensing authorities or courts in other states and
            Revocation                        nations will be pla ed on the driving record of
                                              a Georgia licensee or resident. The Department
              If a license is revoked, all driving privileges
            are terminated and withdrawn until the end   will treat such convictions as if they had oc­
            of the period of time prescribed by the formal   curred in this state for the purpose of imposing
            action of the Department. At the end of the re­  license withdrawals.
            vocation period, a resident may apply for a new
            license. Non-residents may apply for reinstate­ Types of Suspensions
            ment of driving privileges.
                                                The Department will suspend the driving
            Suspension                        privileges of an individual in any of the follow­
              lf a license is suspended, all driving privi­ ing non-conviction situations:
            leges are temporarily withdrawn for a specific
            period of time or until reinstatement require-  • Refusal to take a chemical test for intoxica­
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