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            The Points System                 Safety Responsibility Law         pension period. A limited driving permit would
                                                                                allow you to only:
              The Department is required by law to sus­  The purpose of this law is to remove irre­
            pend the Georgia license of an individual for an  sponsible drivers from Georgia highways and   • Drive to your place of employment;
            accumulation of points resulting from certain  to protect insured motorists from uninsured  • Receive scheduled medical attention or ob­
            convictions. Points are asses against Georgia  motorists. In the event you should fail to sat­  tain prescribed drugs;
            residents for out-of-state violations which would  isfy a claim for damage resulting from a motor   • Attend classes at a college or school in whkh
            be asses points if committed within Georgia.  vehicle crash, and a claim is 6Jed against you
            Georgia licenses will be suspended as follows:  under the Safety Responsibility Law, you will   you are enro!Jed as a student;
            • For any person who accumulates 15 or more  receive an order suspending your license.   • Attend regularly scheduled sessions or meet­
              points within 24 months;          To avoid the suspension, you may:   ings of support organiZations for the treat­
                                                                                  ment of alcohol or other drugs;
            • For any person under the age of 21 with a  • Have your insurance carrier file Form SR-21  • Attend a driver education program or alco­
                                                with the DDS if you were covered by liability
              conviction for any 4-point violation;  insurance at the time of the crash; or  hol/drug assesment and treatment program;
            • For any person under 18 years of age with
              an accumulation of 4 points within twelve  • File either a general or a conditional release  • Attend court, report to a probation office or
              months.                           that has been signed by the claimant (injured  officer, or perform commwlity service;
                                                party in the crash) with the DDS; or
              Points are accumulated on a person's driving  • Post security to cover the damages with the  • Transport  unlicensed  immediate family
                                                                                  members to work, medical care and to obtain
            record as a result of certain convictions. The   DDS, which may be a cashier's check, certi­  prescriptions, and to school
            adjacent chart lists these convictions and the   fied check, money order, real property bond
            number of points associated with each. The date   or surety bond, in addition to posting of fi­  The Department may also specif the places
            the violation occurred is used as the basis for   nancial responsibility, Form SR-22A.  you may travel to, specific rotes of travel, times
            determining the 24-month period (or 12-month                        of travel, and indicate vehicles, or other restric­
            period for persons under age 18). When a license   Any security or bond posted with the Depart­ tions deemed necessary. Limited driving permits
            is suspended due to an accumulation of points,  ment will be held for one year and thereafter  are not valid for driving a commercial vehicle.
            the point total is restored to zero.   until proof is furnished to the Department that   A limited driving permit will be revoked by
              In the case of a person age 18 up to 21, the  you have not been sued as a result of the crash.  the Department if you arc convicted of violating
            suspension of the license for a single 4-point   You are entitled to a hearing, if desired, and  any state law or local ordinance relating to the
            offense is determined by the date the convic­ if requested within ten (10) days of the receipt  movement of vehicles or if you are convicted
            tion occurred. A plea of nolo contendere is con­  of the order of suspension.   of violating any of the conditions or restric­
            sidered a conviction for purposes of imposing                       tions of your permit. In addition, a conviction
            suspions that apply to persns under age 21.   Mandatory Revocations   will extend the underlying suspension of your
                                                                                driving privilege for an additional 6 months.
            Points Reduction                    Your driver's license will be revoked in Geor­  Limited driving permits arc not available for
              Licensed Georgia residents may request that                       convictions of the following offenses or in the
            DDS reduce the number of points assessed   gia if any of the following occur:   following situations:
            against their Georgia driver's license up to 7  • You are declared a Habitual Violator based
            points once every 5 years.          upon the third conviction of any combination   • Implied Consent refusal (may be available if
              To qualify for a points reduction, you must   of these offenses within 5 years:  no prior DUI conviction within past 5 years);
            successfully complete a certified 6-hour driver   » Driving under the Influence (DUI);  • No Insurance convictions;
            improvement (defensive driving) course and   » Homicide by vehicle;  • Driving while license suspended convictions;
            present the original certificate o f c o mpletion   » Felicide by vehicle;
            to the DDS by mail or in person at one of our   » Serious injury by vehicle;  • Failure to pay super speeder fee;
            Customer Service Centers.           » Hit and run or leaving the scene of a crash;  • Failure to pay child support;
              If you request a points reduction by mail,   » Racing;
            please mail the original driver improvement   » Using a motor vehicle  in fleeing or at­  • Failure to appear in court or respond to a
            (defensive driving) certificate  f   c o mpletion   tempting to elude an officer;  citation;
            to the Georgia Department of Driver Services,   » Reckless Stunt Driving  • Medical revocation;
            P.O. Box 80447, Conyers, Georgia 30013. A list of   » Operating a motor vehicle with a sus­
            certified driver improvement (defensive driv­  pended, canceled, or revoked registration;  • Safety responsibility;
            ing) courses can be found at the following link:   » Any felony in the commission of which a  • Parent requested revocation;
            https:/ / ddsgeorgiagov/   motor vehicle is used; or
            locations/ driver-improvement-schoo Is.  aspx.   • Refusal to submit to a re-examination of driv­  • DUIDrugs
                                                ing skills or knowledge of driving rules after  • DUJ convictions prior to age 21; and
            Points Avoidance                    receiving notice giving reasonable grounds
              A  defendant  may  successfully  complete  a   for such a request;  • Refusal to weigh (CMV).
            certified 6-hour driver improvement (defensive                        A limited driving permit may be available
            driving) course after the issuance of a citation  • Jf you have been declared incompetent or if   in the following situations, depending on your
            for a moving  violation and prior to the court   there is sufficient evidence that you are un­
            appearance, or as ordered by the court When   safe to drive, due to mental health or physical  age  and the number of convictions on your
            the  original  certificate  of  completion  is  pre­  disability or disease, or by alcohol or drug  driving record:
            sented to the court, the court shall reduce the   addiction.        • 1st DUI (non-drugs);
            fine asses by 20 percent and no points shall   If you are declared a Habitual Violator, you may  • 2nd DU! conviction in 5 years;
            be asses  against the driver. This plea may  be eligible for a Probationary License after serving
            be accepted by the court once every five years.  two years of the revocation period.   • DUIAIS;
                                              Limited   Permits                 • Under 21 speeding violation but only if age
                                                                                  18 or older, speeding was 24-33 mph over
                                                In some situations, a limited driving permit   the posted speed limit, and approved by the
                                              may be available for a fee of $32 during the sus-  sentencing court judge;

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