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            GENERAL  UCENSING                   has a valid license issued by his or her home   sion proof of payment of such tuition paid
            INFORMATION                         state. 1nis includes their spouse or dependent   for the current or immediately preceding
                                                son or daughter who has a  valid  license  is­
                                                                                    period of enrollment.
                                                sued by their home state;
            This Section Covers               •  Any  person who is  on active  duty  in the  Applicants under age  18  -
                                                armed forces of  the United States and who  automobile or motorcycle
            Requirement to Obtain a             has in his or her immediate possession a valid
            Georgia Driver's License ....................................... 4   license  issued  in a foreign  country  by the   In addition to the requirements listed above,
                                                armed forces of the United States. However,   appHcants under 18 years of age must present
            Applicants under age 18 ....................................... 4
                                                this licens will only be accepted for a period   proof of the following:
            Previous License, Instructional Pennits,   of not more than 45 days from the date of his
            or Identification Cards ........................................... 4   or her return to the United States;   • All applicants under 18 years of age must have
                                                                                 a parent, legal guardian or responsible adult
            Vision Requirements ............................................. .4   •  Any person  temporarily  driving  or operat­  present to sign the application and complete a
            Classes of Licenses ............................................... 5   ing a  farm  tra  tor or  farm equipment on  a   Responsible Adult Affidavit;
                                                hjghway for the purpose of conducting farm
            Fees/Fonns of Payment ........................................ 5   business;   • Completion of Alcohol and Drug Awareness
            License Restrictions ................................... 5   •  Any member of the reserve components of   Program (ADAP);
            Expired License ...................................................... 6   the armed forces of the United States who is   • Sat  of school en  see page
                                                                                 30 for requirements;
            Carrying and Displaying             operating a motor vehicle owned by or leased
            Your License ........................................................... 6   to the United States government However, the   • For a Oass   li  or for     M
                                                motor vehicle must be operated in accordance   In­structional Permit   at age 16 or age
            Real ID Documentation Requirements .............  6   with the duties of the person as a member of       of completion of a DDS approved
                                                the reserve components of the armed forces;
                                                                                 driver education program plus evidence of at
                                              •  Any person seeking to obtain a driver's  li­  least forty (40) hours of superv driving,
                                                cense while he or she is taking the driv i ng
                                                examination to obtain a license. This person   six of which must be at night. Additional
                                                must be accompanied by a Responsibile   details concernig these requiments can be
                                                Adult with a valid driver's license and be at   found on page 26  of this manual or on our
                                                least 21 years of age or a certed driver   website at
            Requirement to obtain a             examiner or agent of the department;
            Georgia Driver's Ucense           •  Any migrant farm worker who works in this   Previous Licenses,
                                                state less than 90 days in any calendar year   lnst111ctional Permits or
              Georgia law requires that any person want­  and who possesses a  valid  driver's  license   Identification Cards
            ing to operate a motor vehicle on the roadways   issued by another state;
            of this state obtain a Georgia driver's Ucense or   •  Any resident who is 15 years of age or over
            permit within 30 days of becoming a resident.   while  taking  actual  in-car  training  in  a   Tn  most  cases,  when  applying  for  renewal,
            A person meeting at least one of the following   non-commercial traig vehicle and while   replacement or transfer of any license, instruc­
            criteria is considered a Georgia resident accord­  under  the direct personal supervision of a   tional  pennit,  or  identification  card  (ID  Card)
            ing to Georgia law (O.C.G.A. §40-5-1):
                                                DDS-licensed driving instructor. A driving   previously issued in Georgia or any other state
            •  A  person  who  has  a  permanent  home  or   instructor must test the eyesight of any un­  or foreign jurisdiction, customers must surren­
              abode in Georgia and, when absent, has the   licensed person who v.ill be receiving actual   der,  the  previously-issued license/permit/ID
              intent of returng;                in-car training prior to the training, and the   to DDS.  Tn  some  cases, surrender  of  all  valid
                                                person must meet the vision requirements   licenses/permits/ID cards will be required.
            •  A  person  who  accepts employment or en­  listed on page 8 of this manual;   Most  non-citizen  customers  with  a  valid
              gages in any trade or occupation in Georgia
              or who enters his/her children in school;   •  Any  person  who  is  operating  a  personal  out of  country driver's license, permit, or ID,
                                                transportation  vehicle  on  any  roadway  may retain their out of country document upon
            •  Any pers that has been in the state for 30                       issuance  of  a  Georgia-equivalent  document.
              days or more.                     publicly maintained for the use of personal   U.S. citizens  will not be  allowed to retain any
                                                transportation vehicles onl  or when cross­
                                                                  y,            licenses, permits, or identification cards issued
            Not required to obtain a Georgia    ing a street or highway used by other types   to them by foreign countries.
            Driver's License/Permit             of motor vehicles at a location designated for
                                                such crossing by a motorized cart;
            •  Any employee of the United States govern­  •  A nonresident of Georgia who is attending   Vision Requirements
              ment who is operating a motor vehicle owned   a school in this state, as long as:
              by or leased to the United States government   a  He or she is at least 16 years of age and has   Customers for initial issuance of a  driver's
              or that is being operated on official busiess.   in his or her immediate possession a valid   license  must demonstrate  the ability  to meet
              This exemption does not apply if the em­  licens issued to him or her in his or her   nurumum   acceptable  vision  for  a  non­
              ployee is required by the United States gov­  home state or  country  and a valid  inter­  commercial  license is 20,60 in one  eye,  with or
              ernment or any agency of the United States   national driving permit if the license is in   wi1hout corrective lense, and  a  horizontal  field
              Government to have a state driver's license;   a language other than English; provided,   of  vision  of  at  least  140  de--grees.  If  you  are
            •  A nonresident who is at least 16 years of age   however, that any restrictions which would   unable   to   pass   the   vision   scree-ing
              and who has in his or her immediate posses­  apply to a Georgia driver's license apply  adminered  at  the  DDS  Customer  Servce
              sion a valid license issued to him or her  in   to the privil eg es given to this person; and   Center, you will be given a Vision R epo rt Form
              his or her home state or  country.  However,   b.  He or she is currently enrolled or was en­  (DS-274) which must be completed by a license
              any restrictions that would apply to a Georgia   rolled during the immediately preceding   optometrist or opthalologist and submitted to
              driver's license as a matter of law would apply   period  of enrollment in a school in this   DDS. The completed form will be evaluated to
              to any person who has an out-of-state licens.   state, has paid the tuition charged by the   determie if you are eligible to obtain a driver's
                                                  school to nonresidents of Georgia for the  license. This form may also be used to document
            •  A nonresident who is on active duty in the  currt or immediately preceding period
              armed forces of the United States if he or she  of enrollment, and has in his or her posses-  the need for bioptic lenses for driving and is avail­
                                                                                able on our website,
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