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OBTAINING A UCENSE, Please refer to page 12 for more
information related to the knowledge
PERMrrOR exam; •A 17-year-old v.'111 be exempt from holding their
IDENTIFICATION CARD learners permt for one year and one day with
• The test fee is $10.00 and must be paid prior proof that they are enlied in the military. They
to testing. If any part of the test is failed, no will be issued a Gass C license at issuance.
This Section Covers refund will be issued. The permit foe must be
paid prior to every testing attempt
Current Georgia Residents .................................... 8 Driver Education Requirements
Clas C Instr Pennit (CP) .......................... 8 Conditions of a Class C To obtain a Class D license al the age of 16 or 17 you
Class D Provisional License .................................. 8 Instructional Permit (CP) must complete both a driver education course
Clas C Lice ..................................................... 9 • Once issued a Oass C Instructional Permit approved by DDS and the Alcohol and Drug
state ID Card .......................................................... 1O (CP), you may operate any C Awareness Program (ADAP).
Other License Types ............................................ 1 0 vehicle when accompanied by a person at
least 21 years of age who is licensed to drive
Commercial Oliver's License .............................. 1 O a Class C vehicle, who is fit and capable of An approved driver education course consists of:
Motorcycle Operator's License ........................... 10 exercising control over the vehicle, and who •either 30 hours of classroom instruction OR
completion of an eq uivalent online virtual course;
Licenses for Veterans of the U.S. Armed is occupying a seat beside the driver; AND
Forc and their Spous .................................... 10 • C Instructional Permits (0') arc 06 hours of on-the-road expeence with a certified
National Guard License ....................................... 10 valid for up to 2 years. instructor OR completion of the DDS Parent Teen
New Georgia Residents ....................................... 1 o Driving Guide available Online or at any CSC. You
Class D Provi License must also have completed a cumulative total of al
least 4-0 hours of other drivg experience, including al
For first-time is issuance of a Class D least 6 hours at nighL A DDS provided affidavit must
License, you must meet all be signed al the time of road testing to certify that this
CURRENT requirements to obtain a Secure DL/1D requirement has been meL
GEORGIA if you have not already done so. See NOTE: If the teen obtains the on-the-road component
pages 10-11 for complete requirements.
RESIDENTS D of driver's education from a certified instructor, a
License separate document affirming that this requirement has
been met must be completed al the time of the road lcsL
Class C lnst111ctional Permit (CP) Upon reaching the age of 16, and after having • If you have not completed the driver education
held a valid instructional permit for one year requirements, you cannot obtain a Class D license. For
For first-time issuance of a C lass C I and one day, you may apply for your Class D
structional Permit (CP), you must meet all license. information on approved driver education courses, see
the DDS website,
requirements to obtain a Secure DUID if
you have not already done so. See page -The folJowing information will help you
6 for complete requirements. prepare for your visit to a DDS Customer • The Alcohol and Drug Awareness Program (ADAP) is
Service Center. taught in most schools and is also available online via
Obtaining a Class C You will need to make a road test
Instructional Permit (CP} appointment (see page 12); Conditions of a Class D
Upon reaching age 15, or anytime thereafter, Provisional License
you may apply for a Class C Tnstructional Per • You must surrender your Oass C Instructional
mit (CP}. The folJowing information will help (CP) or affirm on your application • Class D license holder may not drive
you prepare for your visit to a DDS Customer that you are unable to surrender the permit. between the hours of 12:00 a.m. and 5:00 a.m.
Service Center: See page 15 for deta concerning lost N0 EXCEPTIONS;
• You will be required to present documents license and permits; • During th first six months folJowin is
verifying your U.S. citizenship or • Yo wi required to present proof of only immediate family members
presence, and Georgia residency as school enro11ment; see page 26 for require may ride in the vehicle. 'Immediate family
explained on page 6. ments; member' includes the driver's parents and
• You must know your Social Security Number • You must preset proof of completion of step-parents, grandparents, siblings and
or provide proof of your ineligibility to obtain theAlcohol and Drug Awareness Program stepsiblings, children, and any other person
a Social Secuty Number. Sec the DDS website (ADA!'). This program is taught in most who resides at the driver's residence;
al for more information. schools, and is also available onlinc. For • During the second six months following is
• U you are under age 18, you will be required information about ADAP, you may visit uance, only one passenger under 21 years
to present proof of school enrollment; see; of age who is not a member of the driver's
page 26 for requirements; • A parent, legal guardian or responsible adult immediate family may ride in the vehicle;
• If you arc under age 18, a parent, legal will have sign the application, thereby • After the first and second six-month periods,
guardian or responsible adult will have to giving their consent for you to obtain a only three passengers under 21 years of age
sign the application, thereby giving their license. The individual who signs your who are not members of the driver's
consent for you to obtain a permit The application may, for any reason, revoke your immediate family may ride in the vehicle;
individual who signs your application may, for license until you reach the age of 18; • A Class D license holder must, for the 12
any reason, revoke your permt until you reach • You must pass a road test designed to months preceding application for their Class
the age of 18; evaluate your ability to safely operate a C license, be free from any convictions for
• You will be required to pass a vision test. motor vehicle. See pages 12-13 for more major traffic violations that result in the
Your eyes will be tested by means of a me information related to the Road Test; mandatory suspension of a driver's license.
chanical device; • Yo mu satisfy the drive education
• You will be required to pass a knowledge requirements listed under Driver Education
exam related to Road Signs and Road Rules. R uirements. (NOTE: Teens with parents
active in the U.S. Military can use an out of
state driver's education certificate provided
that it is within 9 months of their 16th