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            tion about requirements to obtain a license or   the District of Columbia (expired less than 2   vide a Motor Vehicle Report/Driving History
            permit and exemptions for certain individuals.   years ) . If you are unable to surrender a valid   (printed in English) dated within the last 30
                                                driver's license, you must present a certified   days, from the country of license issuance;
            New Georgia Resident Without        Motor Vehicle Report/Driving History from   • Most non-citizen customers with a valid out
            a Valid License or Permit           the state of issuance, dated within 30 days,   of cow1try driver's license, permit, or ID may
            Issued by Another State             showing your status as valid. Non-citizens   retain their out of country document upon
              Please see the appropriate chapter of this   are not required to surrender their foreign   issuance of a Georgia-equivaJen t document.
            manual for obtaining a license or permit for   non-commercial license or permit;   U.S. citizens will not be allowed to retain
            the first time in Georgia         • Beat least 18 yearso age,or17yearsof age if  any licenses, pe n nits, or identification cards
            • Under 18-see Teen Licensing Requirements  surrendering a valid license equivalent to a  issued to them by foreign countries;
              onpages26;                        Georgia Class C license with no time, route,  • Successfully complete the knowledge, road,
            • 18 or Older - See page 6.         purpose or passenger restrictions;  and vision exams;
                                              • You must lrnowyour full Social Security  •  Present mandatory documents to prove iden­
            Transferring from Another           umber which will be verified with the Social  tity, citizenship or lawful presence, Social
            State or District of Columbia       Secuty Admintion.                 Securit  Number, and residency. See page 6
                                              • Provide proof of identity. For a complete list  for the complete list;
            Under Age 18 with valid out         of acceptable documents, see page  6;
            of state license or permit                                          • lf under the age of 18, additional rc.'quiremcnts
              U you hold a valid driver's license or   • Provide proof of citizehip or lawful pres­  will apply. Please see pages 8-9 for more
            instructional permit issued by any other state   ence in the United States (see page 6). All  details on teen licensing requifements;
                                                documents must be originals or certified
            of the United States or by the District of     Faxed copies will not be accepted;  • Licenses, prmits and IDs issued outside the
            Columbia, you will no1mally be eligible to                            District of Columbia or any other state of the
            obtain a comparable license or permit issued   • Provide two documents to prove Georgia  United States are non-transferable. A customer
            by Georgia. All Georgia requirements   residency. For a complete list of acceptable  holding any document issued outside of the SO
            including school registration, driver education   documents, see page 6.  States or District of Columbia must complete
            and ADAP are required before the out of   • Pass a vision test.       the full proce for issuance of a new document
            state license can be transferred.                                     in Geor gi a, including all tests required for the
                                                                                  class being requested, if applicable.
              18 or Older with a valid out
            of state license or permit        Transferring a License/Permit/ID   • Citizens of cert foreign may be
                                              From Another Country or U.S. Territory   exempt from knowledge and skills testing. For
                                              • U you do not have the out of country license/  a list, visit
            • You must surrender a valid license issued  permit/ID in your possession, you must pro-
             by another state o  territory of the  United
               or by

                                      A  DMVs   not Alike!!!

                 Beware of fake OMV websites that charge for training materials or informational material.

                 Most customers arrive  at these  sites by  doing a browser search  for "Georgia OMV,"
                 "Georgia License Renewal" or similar generic searches.

                 Please  read  the  pages of these sites carefully,  because by law  they  are required  to
                 inform users that the site is not affiliated with any State or Government Entity.
                 They  are  privately owned sites that will have .com or .org at the end  of their  website
                 address (urQ. The official state of Georgia websites will  have .gov as is the case  with
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