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P. 14


            • Passing: Always check in front of and be­  Road Test For Class E and   Results of Pass/Fail
              hind your vehicle to make sure you can safely  F Non-Commercial    If you pass all the tests, you will be issued
              pass without interfering with other traffic;  There is no driving test for Classes E & F   a temporary license/permit. Your
            • Followin :  Do not follow other cars too  Non-Commercial; however, you must present   permanent license/permit will be mailed
                                              an Application for Issuance ofNon­
              closely. Follow at a safe distance from the  Commercial E/F license (DS-36), establishing   to you
              vehicle in front of you in order to maintain  your ability to operate vehicles within the
              control of the vehicle in case of any emer­  particular class, and pass a lmowl.edge test for
              gency situation or abrupt stops or turns;  that particular class. You must also possess or   If you fail any part of the Class C or D
            • Maintainin Good  Posture: Keep both  be eligle to obtain a Cass C Driver's license.   knowledge or road test, and it is your:
              hands on the  steering wheel. Do not rest your   Cass E & F licenses are available to volunteer   •lSt Failure: You must wait until the
                                              firefighters at no charge.
              elbow on the window and do not attempt to  Customers who wish to take the non com­  next day before retaking the portion you
              carry on a conversation with the examiner  mercial Cass E/F exam should study the   have failed.
              because he/she will be busy giving instruc­  Commercial Drivers Manual. The Commer-cial   •2nd or Subsequent Failure: You must
              tions and recording your score.  Drivers Manual can be located online at   wait 7 days before retaking the portion
              At the end of the Cla  C/D road test, the or customers can obtain a hard   you have failed.
            license  examiner will  gladly show  you  your  copy at any DDS Customer Service Center.
            score sheet and will provide you an opportunity                      For CDL Testing information please
            to disc the results if you wish to do so. You  Road Test For Class A, B,   consult the Georgia CDL Manual.
            must achieve a minimum score of 75% to pass.   and C Commercial
                                                 omme vehicle opertor's test informa­
            Road Test For Oass M              tion is covered in the Georgia Comercial Drivers
              You must furnis a motorcycle for the test and  Manual, which is available at all DDS Customer
            pass a safety inspon of the motorcycle by the  Service Centers and online at
            license exam before the driving test is given.  You may schedule a Commercial skills test
            All road test vehicles must have a valid regi­  ap­pointment Onli at
            tion/license plate or if equipped with a temporary  Pursuant to   .G.A. §40-5-25 and DDS Rule
            dealership tag, the applicant must provide the bill  1-1-.09(7), the $50.00 Commercial Driver's
            of sale for proof of purcha within the last30days.   cense (CDL) Road Skills Test fee is now
                                              required for each testing attempt.
              Motorcycle  operator testing  information is
            covered in the Motorcycle Operators Manual,
            which is available at all DDS Customer Service     Location Information
            Centers and online at
                                                      For a complete list of customer Service Centers
              If you  hold  a motorcycle pennt,  you  may   and their hours of operation, please visit the
            schedule a motorcycle skills test appointment
            online at                DDS website at or https://
                                             /locations/ customer-service­
              Motorcycle road tests cannot be conducted
            when  the weather  conditions  make  it  unsafe   center.
            for the driver or examer, including when it is
            rain or when the pavement is damp.        Please remember that Tuesday is always the
                                                      busiest day and the best time to visit in person is the
                                                      middle of the week during the middle of the day.
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