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P. 15

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            OTI-ER SERVICES                   Renewal for Individuals           • Changes (name, address, etc.) must be made
            & INFORMATION                     Temporarily Located Out             in person at a DS Customer Service Cen­
                                              of the State of Georgia
                                                                                  ter. Changes cannot be made using the mail
                                                                                  method of renewal.
                                                Renewal by mail is ofored for certain groups
            This Section Covers               of individuals who must be away from the State   Customers who choose to renew their license
                                              of Georgia at the time renewal of their license   in this  manner will not receive  a RealDL/ID.
            Renewal for Individuals Temporarily Located   is  required.  Supporting  documentation,  a   To  download  the  application  package  and
            Out of the State of Georgia .................................... 14  completed  application and payment of fee (if   complete instctions, please visit our website
            License, Permit, or Identification Card   required) must be submitted to verify that the
            NumberChanges ................................................... 14   applicant is eligible to renew in this manner.
            Voter Registration ................................................. 14  This service is available to the following groups:   License, Permit, or
                                                                                Identification Card
            Lost or Stolen License Replacement .................. 15   • Customers stationed out of state on active  Number Changes
            DDS Online Services .......................................... 15  military duty, their spouse and any depen­
                                                dents living with them;
                                                                                  No licenses  or identification  cards  may be
            Address Change ..................................................... 16   • Full-time students attending school outside  issued in Georgia with a Social Security  um­
           Name Change ......................................................... 16   Georgia, their spouse and any dependents  ber as the document number. U your license,
                                                living with them;               permit or identification card number is identical
           Motor Vehicle Reports {MVR) ............................... 16   • Customers who are physically incapacitated  to your Social Security  Number, a randomly
           Selective Service Registration ............................. 16   and unable to visit a DDS Customer Service  generated document number will be assigned
                                                                                to your document during the issuance/ renewal
                                                Center may be issued an ID Card only.
            Donations ............................................................ 16   lbis service is subject to the following  process. Once your number has changed, you
                                                                                will need to ensure that any companies or enti­
                                                restrictions:                   ties using your driver's license, permit, or identi­
                                                                                fication card number for tracking or verification
                                              • The renewal will be granted for an 8-year re­  purposes,  such as insurance  companies,  are
                                                newal period, at the end of which the license  aware of this change.
                                                holder must appear in person for renewal;
                                              •  A driver's license that has been expired for
                                                two (2) or more years cannot be renewed
                                                by mail.

         Interest in Registering to Vote

         DDS docs not register customers to vote. DDS does confidentially transmit customer information needed to begin the voter registration
         process to the Georgia Secretary of State's Office (SOS).

         Ultimately, each county voter registrar is responsible for completing voter registration including the issuance of a voter registration card.
        ·There is a voter registration section on each DDS license/ID issuance application, as required by law. In that section, customers are notified
        that their information will be used for voter registration purposes unless they choose otherwise. There is also a clear 'opt-out• box that the
        customers can check if they do not wish Lo register lo vote or update their information.

        Once the information is transmitted to the SOS, it is made accessible to the county registrars for processing and updating their voter records.

         Important Points:
         • If you do not receive your voter registration card within 30 days, contact
        your county voter registration office to determine the status of your

         • Choosing this option does not guarantee that your voter registration
        information will be process in time to meet specific election deadlines;

         • If you want to register to vote for a particular dection, please contact
        your county voter registration office to ensure that your most current
        registration information is recorded prior to the applicable voter
        registration deadline. Visit http:/ / index.php/elections for

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