Page 15 - 2021-2022 Commercial Drivers Manual
P. 15
• Fire truck or rescue vehicle drivers during you drive, you operate in excepted interstate • In Response to a pipeline emergency condi-
emergencies and other related activities; commerce and do not need a Federal medical tion requiring immediate response such as a
examiner’s certificate. pipeline leak or rupture;
• Primarily in the transportation of propane
If you answered no to all of the above ac-
winter heating fuel when responding to an tivities, you operate in non-excepted inter- • In custom harvesting on a farm or to trans-
emergency condition requiring immediate state commerce port farm machinery and supplies used in
response such as damage to a propane gas and are required to provide the custom harvesting operation to and from
system after a storm or flooding; a current medical examiner’s certificate (49 CFR a farm or to transport custom harvested crops
391.45),commonly referred to as a medical cer- to storage or market;
• In Response to a pipeline emergency condi- tificate or DOT card, to DDS. Most CDL hold-
tion requiring immediate response such as a ers who drive CMVs in interstate commerce are • Beekeeper in the seasonal transportation of
pipeline leak or rupture; non-excepted interstate commerce drivers. bees;
If you operate in both excepted interstate
• In custom harvesting on a farm or to trans- non-excepted interstate com- • Controlled and operated by a farmer, but is not
port farm machinery and supplies used in commerce and a combination vehicle (power unit and towed
merce, you must choose non-excepted inter-
the custom harvesting operation to and from unit), and is used to transport agricultural
a farm or to transport custom harvested crops state commerce to be qualified to operate in products, farm machinery or farm supplies (no
to storage or market; both types of interstate commerce. placardable hazardous materials) to and from
You operate in excepted intrastate com-
• Beekeeper in the seasonal transportation of merce when you drive a CMV in intrastate com- a farm and within 150 air-miles of the farm;
bees; merce only for the following excepted activities: • As a private motor carrier of passengers for
non-business purposes ; or
• Controlled and operated by a farmer, but is not • To transport school children and/or school
a combination vehicle (power unit and towed staff between home and school; • To transport migrant workers.
unit), and is used to transport agricultural
products, farm machinery or farm supplies (no • As Federal, State or local government em- • Occasional transportation of personal property.
placardable hazardous materials) to and from ployees; You operate in non-excepted intrastate com-
a farm and within 150 air-miles of the farm; • To transport human corpses or sick or injured merce when you drive a CMV only in intrastate
persons;vv commerce and are required to meet your State
• As a private motor carrier of passengers for of licensure’s medical certification requirements.
non-business purposes ; or • Fire truck or rescue vehicle drivers during If you operate in both excepted intrastate
emergencies and other related activities;
• To transport migrant workers. commerce and non-excepted intrastate com-
• Primarily in the transportation of propane merce, you must choose non-excepted intra-
• Occasional transportation of personal winter heating fuel when responding to an state commerce.
emergency condition requiring immediate
If you answered yes to one or more of the response such as damage to a propane gas
above activities as the only operation in which system after a storm or flooding;
See Self Certification Guidelines
A. Non-Excepted Interstate - I certify that I will operate or expect to operate in interstate or foreign commerce,
that I am subject to and meet the FMCSA driver qualification requirements under 49 CFR part 391, and I am required to
obtain a medical examiner’s certificate. I also certify that I do not have an impairment of an arm, foot, or leg that interferes
Self-Certification with the normal tasks associated with the operation of a CMV. (Medical Certificate needed)
(Initial One)
A, B – Medical
Certificate needed. B. Non-Excepted Intrastate - I certify that I will operate entirely in intra state commerce only and that I meet
the FMCSA driver qualification requirements as defined in 49 CFR 391. I also certify that I do not have an impairment
of an arm, foot, or leg that interferes with the normal tasks associated with the operation of a CMV.(Medical Certificate
C. Excepted Interstate - I certify that I will operate or expect to operate in interstate commerce, but engage
exclusively in transportation or operations excepted under 49 CFR §§390.3(f), 391.2, 391.68 or 398.3 from all or parts of the
qualification requirements of 49 CFR part 391, and I am therefore not required to obtain a medical examiner’s certificate.
C, D – Medical (Medical Certificate not needed)
Certificate NOT
D. Excepted Intrastate - I certify that I will operate in city, county, state, or federal vehicle only, and I am exempt
from the FMCSA driver qualification requirements of 49 CFR 390.3(f). (Medical Certificate not needed)
Sample – Self-certification requirements (driver would initial A, B, C or D)
NOTE: Please visit a DDS Customer Service Center to complete a new self-certification form if there is a change in driving status.