Page 28 - Georgia Department of Driver Services Drivers Manual
P. 28


    Class D Provisional License
                                                                             instructional permit or driver’s license may re-
     For first-time issuance of a Class D License, you   Conditions of a Class D   quest revocation of the license or permit at any
     must meet all the requirements for a RealDL/ ID   Provisional License   time prior to the minor’s eighteenth birthday.
     if you have not already done so. See pages 10-11                        The person requesting revocation of a minor’s
     for complete requirements.           • A Class D license Holder may not drive be-  instructional permit or driver’s license must
     Obtaining a Class D Provisional License   tween the hours of 12:00 a.m. and 5:00 a.m.  submit his or her request for the revocation on
     Upon reaching age 16 and after having held a valid   — NO EXCEPTIONS;   the form designated by the Department. The
                                                                             form requires the person’s notarized signature.
     instructional perit for one year and one day, you   • During the first six months following is-  The person requesting revocation of a minor’s

     may apply for a Class D Provisional License by:   suance, only immediate   family members    instructional permit or driver’s license must pay
     • You must schedule a road test appointment (see   may ride in the vehicle. ‘Immediate family    a non-refundable fee of $10.00.
     page 16).                              member’ includes the driver’s parents and
     •  You must surrender your Class C Instruction-al   step-parents, grandparents, siblings and step-  License/Permit Suspensions
     Permit (CP) or affirm on your application that you   siblings, children, and any other person who
     are unable to surrender the permit. See pages 19-20   resides at the driver’s residence;
     for details concerning lost licenses and permits;  •  During the second six months following is-  Convictions Other Than DUI
     • You will be required to present proof of school   suance, only one passen  ger under 21 years    The State of Georgia applies strict penalties to
     enrollment as explained in this sec-tion;  of age who is not a member of the driver’s    teens who fail to obey the laws regarding opera-
     •  You must present proof of completion of the   immediate family may ride in the vehicle;   tion of a motor vehicle. The instructional permit
     Alcohol and Drug Awareness Program (ADAP).   •  After the first and second six-month periods,   or driver’s license of any person under 21 years
     This program is taught in most schools, and   is also   only three passengers under 21 years of age     of age convicted of any of the following offenses
     available online. For information about ADAP, you   who are not members of the driver’s immedi-  shall be SUSPENDED for a period of six months

     may visit;             ate family may ride in the vehicle;   for a first conviction, or for a period of twelve
                                                                             months for a second or subsequent conviction.
     •  A parent, legal guardian or responsible adult   will
     have to sign the application, thereby giving their   • A Class D license Holder must, for the 12    •  Hit and run or leaving the scene of a crash;
                                            months preceding application for their Class
     consent   for you to obtain a license. This person   C license, be free from any convictions for      •  Racing on highways or streets;
     may, for any reason, revoke your license until you   major traffic violations that result in the man-
     reach age 18.                          datory suspension of a driver’s license.     •  Using a motor vehicle in fleeing or attempting
     • You must pass a road test designed to evaluate                         to elude an officer;
     your ability to safely operate a motor vehicle.                            •  Reckless driving;
     • You must satisfy the Driver Education/Joshua's                           •  Aggressive driving;
     Law listed below. (Note: Teens with parents active
     in the U.S. Military may use an out of state driver's   Teens Moving to Georgia     •  Any other offense for which four or more
     education certificate provided that it is within 9   The following information applies to teens   points are assessed:
     months of their 16th birthday.       moving     o Georgia from another state who wish     »  Unlawful passing of a school bus;


                                          to obtain a driver’s license or permit in Georgia.     »  Improper passing on a hill or curve;
                                                                                 »  Exceeding the speed limit by 24 miles per
  Driver Education Requirements                                                 hour or more.
  • To obtain a Class D license at the age of 16   Under Age 18 without a valid     •  The accumulation of four or more points in any
                                          license issued by another state
    17 you must complete a driver education course   If you do not already hold a valid driver’s   12-month period while under 18 years of age.
    approved by DDS. An                   license or instructional permit issued by an-
                    approved driver
    education course consists of:         other state, you will be subject to the licensing   A limited permit may be available only if
    »  either                             requirements of Georgia residents. Please see   the suspension resulted from a conviction for
          30 hours of classroom instruction OR
     completion of an equivalent online                                      speeding 24-33 mph over the speed limit and
     course;                              the preceding sections for more information.   the applicant is at least 18 years old.

                       experience with a
    »  6 hours of on-the-road             Under Age 18 with valid            Convictions  for Driving Under the

     certified instructor OR completion of the DDS  out of state license     Influence of Drugs or Alcohol (DUI)
     approved Parent/Teen Driver Guide;     If you hold a valid driver’s license or instruc-
    »  You must also have completed a cumulative  tional permit issued by another state, you will   First DUI Suspension:
     total of at least 40 hours of other driving  normally be eligible to obtain a comparable
     experience including at least 6 hours at night.  license issued by Georgia. However, the state     •  If your Blood Alcohol Concentration was .02
     Completion of the DDS approved Parent/Teen  of issuance may have requirements for teenage   or greater, but less than .08; or your implied
     Driving Guide will serve as an affidavit  drivers that differ from Georgia. For more infor-  consent test results were suppressed; or no
     certifying that this requirement has been met;  mation, please call the Customer Contact Center   test was given, your license will be suspend-
  •  If  the  teen  obtains  the  on-the-road  component at (678) 413-8400.   ed for a minimum period of 6 months, unless
  from     a certified  instructor,  a  separate  document                    you have a previous conviction for an offense
  affirming that  this requirement has been met must                          in the above list, in which case your license
  be completed at the time of the road test.                                  will be suspended for a minimum period of
  •  You  must  present  proof  of  completion  of  the  Revocation of Minor’s   License/  12 months;
  Alcohol  and  Drug  Awareness  Program  (ADAP). Permit
  This program is taught in most schools, and is also                           •  If your Blood Alcohol Concentration was .08
  available online. For information about ADAP, you   The parent, legal guardian or responsible     or greater or you refused implied consent
  may visit;              adult who signed a minor’s application for an     testing, your license will be suspended for a
  •  Exception                                                                minimum period of 12 months;
    Any17-year-old is exempt from holding their
  Class CP/instructional  permit  for  one  year  and                           •  No limited driving permit is available.

  one    day with proof that they are enlisted in the                        Second DUI Suspension:
  military. They will be issued a Class C license                             Your   license will be suspended for a minimum

  after successfully passing the road test.                                  period of 18 months, with ignition interlock per-
                                                                             mit eligibility after 120 days.
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