Page 30 - Georgia Department of Driver Services Drivers Manual
P. 30


        Regulatory Signs
                                                                                               This marks a one-
          Regulatory signs tell drivers what they may or may not do. Drivers, including bicyclists, must     way road. If you are
        obey them in the same manner as traffic laws. Remember, a red circle with a red slash from upper     facing this sign traf-
        left to lower right means “No.” The picture within the circle shows what is prohibited.   fc is coming toward
                                                                                               you. You must not
                                                                                               continue down the

                          You are approaching               You may travel only                Traffc is required to
                          a one-way   highway               in the direction of the            keep to the right of
                          or ramp. Driving on               arrow.                             medians or obstruc-
                          the highway or ramp                                                  tions.
                          in the direction you
                          are  traveling  is  not

                          You cannot turn                   You cannot make a                  55 miles per hour is
                          around to go in the               right turn at this inter-          the maximum speed
                          opposite direction at             section.                           limit   permitted in this

                          this intersection.                                                   area.

                          You are approach-                 When two or more                   A right turn on red
                          ing an area where                 traveling lanes are                is prohibited, even
                          a reduced speed                   available in the direc-            after coming to a
                          limit has been es-                tion you are traveling,            complete stop.
                          tablished.                        slower traffc should
                                                            travel in the right
                                                            (outside) lane(s).

                          You are approach-                 Bicycles are prohib-               Trucks are prohibited
                          ing a school zone. A              ited from entering                 from entering this
                          reduced speed limit               this roadway.                      roadway.
                          is in effect when the
                          yellow lights are

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