Page 35 - Georgia Department of Driver Services Drivers Manual
P. 35


        Traffc Signals and Signs
                                                                 A green arrow means you may pro-
          Traffic signals are placed at intersections to control     ceed carefully only in the direction
        the orderly movement of traffic and to prevent crashes.     the arrow is pointing after stopping
        Drivers (including bicyclists) and pedestrians must obey     for pedestrians and yielding to vehicles
        these signals except when an officer is directing traffic. If     within the intersection. In this case you
        a traffic signal is not functioning at all at an intersection,     may go straight ahead only.
        all drivers must treat the intersection as if a stop sign is
        posted for all directions. If a traffic signal is malfunc-  A green arrow, in this case, means
        tioning and flashing, drivers must proceed based on the     you may turn in the direction of the
        color of the flashing signal they are facing: if the driver is     arrow after stopping for pedestrians
        facing a yellow flashing signal, the driver may proceed     and yielding to vehicles within the in-
        with caution; if the driver is facing a red flashing signal,     tersection.
        the driver must stop and wait until it is safe to proceed.
                                                                 A yellow arrow may appear after a
                                                                 green arrow and warns you to clear
                       A red light means you must make a         the intersection.
                       complete stop before entering the
                       crosswalk or intersection and wait
                       until the light turns to green before
                       proceeding.                               A red fashing light means you must
                                                                 stop completely (treat as you would a
                                                                 stop sign). Proceed with caution only
                       A yellow light warns that the light is     after yielding the right-of-way to pe-
                       changing from green to red. Slow          destrians and to other vehicles at the
                       down and prepare to stop.                 intersection.

                                                                 A yellow fashing light means you must     A fashing yellow arrow
                                                                 slow down and exercise caution before     means you may turn left
                       A green light means you may pro-          proceeding through the intersection.     after yielding to oncom-
                       ceed if it is safe to do so after stop-                              ing traffc and pedestrians
                       ping for pedestrians and yielding                                    (oncoming traffc still has
                       to vehicles within the intersection.                                 the green light).

        Lane Control Signals                Overhead Lane Signs     Pedestrian Signals
          Some roadways are designed to accommo-
        date different traffic demands during the day
        through the use of a reversible lane system. Ap-
        propriate travel lanes on a roadway utilizing a
        reversible lane system are indicated as follows:

                       No travel allowed in this
                       lane in the direction you
                       are going.                Left turn only.         Leave the curb to
                                                                         cross the street.

                       “Steady” - clear the lane
                       “Flashing” - left turn
                                                Straight or left
                                                turn only.               Do not leave curb.

                       Travel in lane.

                                                                   Flashing – do not leave curb, but complete
                                                Right turn only.   walking across the street if already started.

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