Page 37 - Georgia Department of Driver Services Drivers Manual
P. 37


                                           Pavement Markings
                                             Pavement markings, like highway signs, are used to warn and direct drivers and to regulate
                                           Stop Lines
                                           Stop lines are white lines painted across the pavement at intersections indicating the point beyond
                                           which your vehicle should not cross if you are stopping for a traffc control device. In urban areas, the

                                           line is usually located about four feet before the crosswalk. Drivers must come to a complete stop at

                                           the stop line, when present, not at the actual stop sign or traffic signal.
                                           Crosswalk Lines

                                           These white lines are painted across, or partially across the pavement. Sometimes they will be painted

                                           in a ladder pattern. When pedestrians are in the crosswalks, they have the right-of-way over motor

                                           vehicles. Crosswalks are sometimes in the middle of a block in residential areas, and in some cases,

                                           a pedestrian crossing signal is located at the white line.
                                                                                          CROSSING ROAD
        Railroad Crossings
        When a road is crossed by a railroad crossing, the pavement is usually marked with a large X and two R’s. At

        railroad crossings, a yellow line is always placed on the right side of the center line to prevent passing. The cross-
        ing is sometimes equipped with control arms and/or emergency lights, to warn drivers of approaching trains. The
        driver of the vehicle must stop if warning signals indicate a train is approaching.
                                                                                                      CROSSING ROAD
                                         Center Lines
                                         These are used to separate traffc moving in opposite directions on paved roadways. Broken yellow
                                         lines are used when there are only two lanes and it is safe to pass in either direction.
                                         No Passing Lines
                                         Single Lines

                                         These single, solid yellow lines on two-lane roads indicate zones where passing is prohibited. They will
                                         be located on the right of the broken yellow line when they apply to the lane in which you are traveling.

                                         In some instances, both yellow lines will be solid, indicating it is not safe for passing in either direction.

                                         Double White Lines

                                         These are double white line (dashed or solid) pavement markings on roadways that indicate where
                                         vehicles can or cannot cross to access the adjacent lane. When the double white lines are dashed,

                                         vehicles are allowed to cross over to the adjacent lane. When the double white lines are solid, lane

                                         changes are prohibited.

        Edge Lines
        These are the solid white lines along the side of the pavement. They serve as safety guides, especially at

        night when it is diffcult to see the edge of the road. A yellow edge line may be used on the left side to warn
        of narrow or raised medians.
        Lane Lines
        These are the white dashes that mark the individual lanes of travel on streets and highways having more than
        one lane for traffc moving in the same direction.
          When there are four or more lanes with traffc moving in opposite directions, two solid yellow lines mark the
        center of the roadway. You may cross these lines only to make a left turn into or from an alley, private road,
        driveway, or another street. When traveling on a multi-lane road, stay in the right lane except to pass other

        vehicles traveling in the same direction.
                                                      Traffic Striping
                                                      These markings, created by diagonal yellow lines, are on streets and highways indi-

                                                      cating that the road   is narrowing or there is an obstruction on the roadway. The area

                                                      is similar to a triangle with   solid yellow diagonal lines within the outside lines. Always
                                                      keep to the right of these markings.
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