Page 38 - Georgia Department of Driver Services Drivers Manual
P. 38


        Turn Lanes
        These lanes, bordered by solid yellow and/or broken yellow lines, is in the
        center of many streets and highways to make left turns. A motorist desiring
        to turn left should proceed to the turn lane just prior to making a left turn.
        Georgia law prohibits the use of this lane for any purpose other than making
        a left turn. You may enter this lane no more than 300 feet from the location
        of the left turn.
          When a turning lane is provided for vehicles traveling in both directions,
        you should use extreme caution before entering the turning lane to make
        a left turn. There may be a vehicle traveling in the opposite direction also
        entering the turning lane to make a left turn. This is especially problematic
        in congested areas.
        Bicycle Lanes
        These are solid white lines typically located between the farthest right traffc
        lane and the curb or edge of the roadway. If there is a right-turn-only lane
        present, the bicycle lane will be located to the left of the right-turn-only
        lane in order to safely accommodate bicycles traveling straight through the
        intersection. Bicycle lanes may also be marked with painted symbols of a
        bicycle. Drivers of motor vehicles are prohibited from driving or parking in
        the bicycle lane, except to cross over it to make a turn. When crossing over a
        bicycle lane to make a turn, motorists must yield to bicyclists that are present.


          Navigating a roundabout             Navigating a Single Lane Roundabout
          Roundabouts are sometimes used at   1  Approach:  Slow down to the posted advisory
          intersections instead of stop signs. The   speed.  Stop for pedestrians in the
          purpose of a roundabout is to allow the    crosswalk; they have the right of way.
          intersection to handle heavier traffc fow   2  Enter:   When entering the roundabout,
          without the need for a signal or a four-way   yield to all circulating vehicles.   4
          stop. When entering a roundabout, traffc   Wait for a gap and then merge           4
                                                  into traffic in the roundabout.
          laws concerning right-of-way still apply.   Traffic in a roundabout always
          You must yield to other traffc that is   circulates counterclockwise.           D  3   A  B
          already in the roundabout. You will al-  3  Proceed:   Continue circling through the  C
          ways enter a roundabout to the right, and   roundabout until you reach the       2
          continue circling until you have reached   roadway onto which you want
                                                  to turn.
          the roadway onto which you want to turn.
          When reaching the desired road, you will   4  Exit:   Signal, then bear right to exit the
                                                  roundabout. Stop for pedestrians in the
          always exit to the right.               crosswalk.                           2   1

                                               Navigating a Multilane Roundabout
                        PEDESTRIANS                     MOTORISTS
                                           1  Approach:  Follow the lane use signs & pavement
            1  Approach:  At the pedestrian crosswalk, look to make   marking arrows. Get into the correct
                   sure cars stop for you. Use pedestrian   lane before entering the roundabout.
                   crossing signal if available.   Slow down to the posted advisory speed.
                                                  Stop for pedestrians in the crosswalk;
            2  Cross:   Cross to the pedestrian refuge.   they have the right of way.
                   Look to make sure cars stop for you.                                      4
                   Finish crossing to the opposite sidewalk.   2  Enter:   When entering the roundabout, yield to
                   Never cross to the center island.
                                                  all circulating vehicles in both lanes.   4
                                                  Wait for a gap and then merge into traffic   D  3
                                                  in the roundabout.Traffic in a roundabout
                                                  always circulates counterclockwise.           A   B
                                                  Maintain your lane as you enter    C
                                                  the roundabout.
                                           3  Proceed:   Continue circling through the roundabout  KEY   2
                                                  until you reach the roadway onto which
                                                  you want to turn. Do not change lanes in   = Pedestrian   1
             Experienced cyclists may navigate roundabouts   the roundabout.     Crosswalk Sign   2
             like motorists. Do not hug the curb. Ride in the            = Yield Sign
             middle of the lane to prevent vehicles from   4  Exit:   Signal, then bear right to exit the   A  Pedestrian  Refuge   1
             passing you. Stop for pedestrians in crosswalks.   roundabout. Stop for   B  Crosswalk
                                                  pedestrians in the crosswalk.
             Children or cyclists who are not comfortable               C  Truck Apron
             entering the flow of traffic should walk their
             cycles and act as pedestrians.                             D  Center Island
                                                                           *Please note that these roundabout diagrams are examples
                                                                             only and do not represent all roundabout designs.
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