Page 48 - Georgia Department of Driver Services Drivers Manual
P. 48


        Implied Consent                                 Violation Resulting in Conviction          Points
          Georgia law requires you to submit to state    Violation of Hands Free Law - 1st Conviction   1
        administered chemical tests of your blood,     Child Restraint – 1  Offense                  1
        breath, urine, or other bodily substances for
        the purpose of determining if you are under    HOV Lane Violation – 4  and Subsequent Offense   1
        the influence of alcohol or drugs. If you refuse    Violation of Hands Free Law - 2nd Conviction   2
        this testing, your Georgia driver's license or
        privilege to drive on the highways of this state    Possessing an Open Container of an Alcoholic Beverage While Driving   2
        will be suspended for a minimum period of one
        year. Your refusal to submit to blood or urine    Speeding – 15-18 mph over the posted speed limit   2
        testing may be offered into evidence at trial.  If    Child Restraint – 2  and Subsequent Offense   2
        you submit to testing and the results indicate a
        blood alcohol concentration (BAC) at or above    Failure to Adequately Secure a Load         2
        the legal limit, your Georgia driver's license or    Violation of Hands Free Law - 3rd or more Convictions   3
        privilege to drive on the highways of this state
        may be suspended for a minimum period of    Impeding Traffc                                  3
        one year. After first submitting to the required
        state tests, you are entitled to additional chemi-  Disobedience of Any Traffc-Control Device or Traffc Offcer   3
        cal tests of your blood, breath, urine, or other    Speeding – 19-23 mph over the posted speed limit   3
        bodily substances at your own expense and
        from qualified personnel of your own choosing.   All Other Moving Violations                 3
                                            Reckless Driving                                         4
                                            Improper Passing on Hill or Curve                        4
                                            Speeding – 24-33 mph over the posted speed limit         4
                                            Aggressive Driving                                       6
                                            Speeding – 34 mph or more over the posted speed limit    6
                                            Unlawful Passing School Bus                              6

                                                                Before Visiting

                                                             Fill out your form.

                                                 Any$me. Anywhere. Any device.

                                                 Fill  out the form for your Permit, License or ID
                                                 Card at this link
                                                 before arriving at any of our Customer Service


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                                               Pl ea se r ememb er t o   b ri n g y o u r p a r en t   o r gu a r d i a n   a n d   p r o o f

                                                 of    school  enrollment   when you come  in for  your  v isit.

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