Page 50 - Georgia Department of Driver Services Drivers Manual
P. 50


        • 1st or 2nd suspension for accumulation of      •  Failure to report striking an unattended    •  Driving a commercial motor vehicle without
          15   or more points within a 24 month period;   vehicle;            a commercial driver´s license in your imme-
        • 3rd controlled substance violation after a 2      •  Failure to report striking a fixed object;   diate possession, but not if it is because your
          year suspension and age 21 or over;                                 commercial driving privileges have been sus-
                                             •  Failure to report a crash;    pended, revoked, canceled, or disqualified;
        • Homicide by vehicle 2nd Degree (age 21 or
          over);                             •  Any felony in the commission of which a    •  Driving a commercial motor vehicle without
                                            motor vehicle is used;            a commercial driver´s license of the proper
        • Any felony in the commission of which a                             class and endorsements for the specific ve-
          motor vehicle is used (age 21 or over);     •  Driving a CMV while the CDL is revoked,  hicle you are operating or for the passengers
                                            suspended, canceled, or disqualified;
        •  Using a motor vehicle in fleeing or attempting                     or type of cargo you are transporting;
          to elude an officer (age 21 or over);     •  Homicide by vehicle;     •  Use of a wireless device for text based com-
        •  Fraudulent or fictitious use of, or application       •  Racing;   munications while operating a commercial
          for, a license/ID card (age 21 or over);     •  Using a motor vehicle in fleeing or attempting     motor vehicle.

        • Hit and run or leaving the scene of a crash    to elude an officer;   Other Violations
          (age 21 or over);                  •  Fraudulent or fictitious use of, or application
        •  Racing (age 21 or over);         for, a license/ID card;           A felony conviction involving the manufac-
        • Operating a motor vehicle with a revoked,      •  Operating a motor vehicle with a revoked,  turing, distribution, trafficking or possession
          canceled, or suspended registration (age 21    canceled, or suspended registration;   of a controlled substance or marijuana using a
          or over);                          •  Commercial vehicle cargo theft; or   CMV (other than mere felony possession) will
        • If approved by the sentencing Court Judge      •  Refusal to submit to state administered  result in a lifetime disqualification of commer-
                                                                             cial driving privileges.

          involving license suspensions for certain    chemical testing when requested by a law  Violation of an out-of-service order will result
          drug offenses                     enforcement officer.             in a disqualification of:
          In all cases, the Department will make  If convicted of any of these offenses while    •  not less than 180 days and not more than one
        the final determination of eligibility for a  you are operating a CMV that is placarded for   year for a 1st offense;
        limited driving permit. Please contact DDS  hazardous materials, you will be disqualified     •  not less than 2 years and not more than 5
        at 678-413-8400 for further information.   from driving a CMV for at least three years for   years for a 2nd offense; and
                                          a first offense.
        Commercial    Driving               A second conviction from a separate incident     •  not less than 3 years and not more than 5
        Disqualifications                 of any of these major traffic violations will re-  years for a 3rd or subsequent incidents.
                                          sult in a lifetime disqualification of commercial   An additional disqualification period will
                                          driving privileges.
          When commercial driving privileges are dis-                        apply when an out-of-service order is violated
        qualified, the licensee is prohibited from operat-  Serious Traffic Violations   while transporting hazardous materials or
        ing a Commercial Motor Vehicle (CMV). Com-                           transporting more than 15 passengers.
        mercial driving privileges can be disqualified     Your commercial driving privileges will be   Conviction of any railroad grade crossing

        even if you do not have a commercial driver’s     disqualified for a period of 60 days upon a sec-  offense while operating a CMV will also result
        license (CDL). If you do not have a CDL, but your     ond conviction in three years for a serious traffic   in a disqualification of 60 days for a 1st offense
        commercial driving privileges are disqualified,     violation (provided that the two convictions     up to 1 year for a third or subsequent violation
        you will not be eligible to obtain a CDL during     arose from separate incidents). Your commer-  within a 3 year period.
        the period of the disqualification.     cial driving privileges will be disqualified for a
          The commercial driving privileges can be     period of 120 days upon a third or subsequent
        withdrawn for:                    conviction in three years for a serious traffic

                                          violation   (provided that the various convictions

           •  Conviction of a Major traffic violation;   arose from separate incidents).
                                            The following violations are defined as “seri-
           •  Conviction of two or more Serious traffic
          violations;                     ous traffic violations” when committed in this
                                          state, or any other state, when operating either a
           •  Use of a CMV in the commission of any felo-  CMV or, unless otherwise specified, a noncom-

          ny involving a controlled substance or mari-  mercial motor vehicle:
          juana (other than mere felony possession);
                                             •  Speeding 15 or more miles per hour above
           •  Violation of an out-of-service order; or   the posted speed limit;
           •  Conviction of a railroad grade crossing of-    •  Reckless driving;
          fense in a CMV.
                                             •  Following another vehicle too closely;
        Major Traffic Violations             •  Improper or erratic lane change, including
          The commercial driving privileges of any     failure to signal a lane change;
        person convicted of one of the following “major       •  A violation of state law or a local ordinance
        traffic violations” in this state, or any other state,     relating to motor vehicle traffic control aris-
        in a commercial or, unless otherwise specified,     ing in connection with a fatal crash, excluding
        a noncommercial vehicle will be disqualified     parking, weight, length, height, and vehicle
        for one year:
                                            defect violations, and excluding homicide
           •  Driving a CMV if your BAC is .04 gm. or  by vehicle;
                                             •  A railroad grade crossing violation in a non-
           •  DUI;                          commercial motor vehicle;
           •  Hit and run or leaving the scene of a crash;     •  Driving a commercial motor vehicle without
                                            obtaining a commercial driver´s license;
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