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SECTION              2

        OBTAINING A LICENSE,                Please refer to page 16 for more information
        PERMIT OR                           related to the knowledge exam;   *A 17-year-old will be exempt from holding their
        IDENTIFICATION CARD                                                  learners permit for one year and one day with
                                             •  The test fee is $10.00 and must be paid prior     proof that they are enlisted in the military. They
                                            to testing. If any part of the test is failed, no   will
                                                                                be issued a Class C license at issuance.
        This Section Covers                 refund will be issued. The permit fee must be
                                            paid prior to every testing attempt.

        Current Georgia Residents....................................   8    Driver Education Requirements
         Class CP Instructional Permit.................................   8   Conditions of a Class C   To obtain a Class D license at the age of 16 or 17 you

         Class D Provisional License   .................................. 8   Instructional Permit (CP)   must complete both a driver education course
         Class C License.....................................................   9   •  Once issued a Class C Instructional Permit     approved by DDS and the Alcohol and Drug

        State ID Card..........................................................   10   (CP), you may operate any Class C vehicle       Awareness Program (ADAP).
                                            when accompanied by a person at least 21
        Other License Types ............................................   10   years of age who is licensed to drive a   Class

         Commercial Driver’s License ..............................   10   C vehicle, who is fit and capable of exercising   An approved driver education course consists of:

         Motorcycle Operator’s License   ........................... 10   control over the vehicle, and who is occupy-  •either 30 hours of classroom instruction OR

        Licenses for Veterans of the U.S. Armed     ing a seat beside the driver;   completion of an equivalent online virtual course;
        Forces and their Spouses   .................................... 10   •  Class C Instructional Permits (CP) are valid     •6 hours of on-the-road experience with a certified

        National Guard License .......................................   10   for up to 2 years.   instructor    OR  completion  of  the  DDS  Parent  Teen
        New   Georgia Residents....................................... 10    Driving  Guide  available  Online  or  at  any  CSC.  You

                                          Class D Provisional License        must    also  have  completed  a  cumulative  total  of  at

                                                                             least 40 hours of other driving experience, including at
                                            For first-time issuance of a Class D Li-  least 6
                                                                                   hours at night. A DDS  provided  affidavit must

                                          cense, you must meet all requirements     be    signed at the time of road testing to certify that this

        CURRENT                           to obtain a Secure DL/ID if you have not     requirement has been met.

        GEORGIA                           already done so. See pages 10-11 for com-  NOTE: If the teen obtains the on-the-road component
                                          plete requirements.
        RESIDENTS                         Obtaining  a  Class  D             of    driver’s  education  from  a  certified  instructor,  a

                                                                                    document affirming that this requirement has

                                          Provisional License                separate
                                                                             been met must be completed at the time of the road test.
        Class C Instructional Permit (CP)   Upon reaching the age of 16, and after hav-
                                          ing held a valid instructional permit for one   • If  you  have  not  completed  the  driver  education
                        ssuance of a  C
          For first-time i          lass C  I                                requirements, you cannot obtain a Class D license.
                                          n-year and one day* you may apply for a Class
        structional Permit (CP), you must meet all     D Provisional License. The following   information on approved driver education courses,   see
        requirements to obtain a Secure DL/ID if  information will help you prepare for your   the DDS website,
        you  have  not  already  done  so.  See  page  visit to a DDS Customer Service Center:
        9 for complete requirements.                                         •The Alcohol and Drug Awareness Program (ADAP) is
                                          •  You will need to make a road test appoint-  taught in most schools and is also available online via
                                            ment (see page 16);
        Obtaining a Class C                                        

        Instructional   Permit (CP)       •  You must surrender your Class C Instruction-
          Upon reaching age 15, or anytime thereafter,   al   Permit (CP) or affirm on your application
        you may apply for a Class C Instructional Per-  that you are unable to surrender the permit.
        mit (CP). The following information will help   See pages 19-20 for details concerning lost
        you prepare for your visit to a DDS Customer   licenses and permits;
        Service Center:                                                      Conditions of a Class D
                                          •  You will be required to present proof of     Provisional   License
        •  You will be required to present documents   school enrollment; see page 30 for require-
          verifying your identity, U.S. citizenship or     ments;

          lawful presence, and Georgia residency as     •  You   must present proof of completion of the Al-  •  A Class D license holder may not drive be-

          explained on page 6.                                                 tween the hours of 12:00 a.m. and 5:00 a.m.
                                            cohol and Drug Awareness Program (ADAP).   - NO EXCEPTIONS;
        •  You must know your Social Security Number   This program is taught in most schools, and
          or   provide proof of your ineligibility to obtain   is also available online. For information   about   •  During the first six months following is-

             a Social Security Number. See the DDS website   ADAP, you may visit;   suance, only immediate   family members
          at for more information.                             may ride in the vehicle. ‘Immediate family
                                          •  A parent, legal guardian or responsible   adult   member’ includes the driver’s parents and

        •  If you are under age 18, you will be required   will have   to sign the application, thereby giv-  step-parents, grandparents, siblings and step-

          to present proof of   school enrollment; see     ing their consent for you to obtain a license.   siblings, children, and   any other person who
          page 26 for requirements;         The individual who signs your application     resides at the driver’s residence;
                                            may, for any reason, revoke your license until
        •  If you are under age 18, a parent, legal guard-                   •  During the second six months following is-
          ian or responsible adult will have to sign the     you reach the age of 18;   suance, only one passenger under 21 years

          application, thereby giving their consent for   •  You must pass a road test designed to evalu-  of age who is not a member of the   driver’s
          you to obtain a permit. The individual who     ate your ability to safely operate a motor ve-  immediate family may ride in the vehicle;
          signs   your application may, for any reason, re-  hicle. See pages 16-17 for more information

          voke your permit until you reach the age of 18;   related to the Road Test;   •  After the first and second six-month periods,
                                                                               only three passengers under 21 years of age
        •  You will be required to pass a vision test.     •  You must satisfy the driver education re-  who are not members of the driver’s immedi-

          Your eyes will be tested by means of a me-  quirements listed under Driver Education   ate family may ride in the vehicle;
          chanical device;                  Requirements. (NOTE: Teens with   parents
                                            active in the U.S. Military can use   an out   •  A Class D license holder must, for the 12
        •  You will be required to pass a knowledge                            months preceding application for their Class
          exam related to Road Signs and Road Rules.   of state driver's education certificate   C license, be free from any convictions for
                                            provided that it is within 9 months of their     major traffic violations that result in the man-
                                            16th birthday.)
                                                                               datory suspension of a driver’s license.
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