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State ID Card
For first-time issuance of a State ID Card,
you must meet all requirements to obtain a
Real ID DL/ID if you have not already done so.
See page 10 for requirements.
A State of Georgia ID Card may be obtained
at any DDS Customer Service Center. The cost
of this card varies depending on the type of
card obtained.
• An 8-year ID card is $32;
• All previous ID cards must be surrendered;
• If you no longer have possession of your
previous driver’s license/ID card/permit to
surrender, you must provide a certified copy
of your Motor Vehicle Report (MVR), from
the previous state.
Upon submission of a referral from a DDS-
approved non-profit agency, the applicant will
be permitted to obtain an ID card at a cost of
A special ID card for persons with permanent
disabilities is available for a term of eight years
at a cost of $5.00. A card for persons with tem-
porary disabilities is also available for a term of Licenses for Veterans of
six (6) months at a cost of $5.00. This card serves the U.S. Armed Forces
as proof of the need for special transportation and their Spouses Honorary License – NO FEE
services, seating accommodations, and other The spouse of a disabled, honorably sepa-
facilities for the handicapped. Verification from rated veteran who does not have a driver’s li-
a licensed physician may be required to obtain a Veteran’s License cense, or the unmarried surviving spouse of a
permanent Handicap ID, and is always required deceased honorably separated veteran, is enti-
to obtain or extend a temporary Handicap ID. Important: Please read carefully. The tled to the same license available to the veteran.
The fee for this card is waived for those who veteran must obtain the Certificate o f An applicant for this type of license must meet
Eligibility (DS-516) from the State De-
meet the qualifications listed on this page for a the same requirements as those required for a
veteran’s driver’s license. partment of Veterans Service to obtain a veteran’s license. For the unmarried surviving
Veterans license.
Customers can also have the handicap sym- spouse, the death certificate along with the DD-
bol placed on any other type of license, permit, Applicants must meet the following require- 214 must be submitted to the State Department
or identification card. Customers have the op- ments for eligibility of a veteran’s license: of Veterans Service to obtain a Certificate o f
tion to include certain medical information on • All veterans who are GA citizens, actively Eligibility.
the back of their card as well. This information is served, and released with any discharge
also available at our website, other than dishonorable, are eligible for a
Veterans License/ID Card.
A voter registration ID is also available at free
no cost for any individual who swears under
oath that the ID is needed in order to vote in • Visit the nearest office of the State Depart- National Guard License
an election in Georgia. ment of Veterans Service with your
All applicants for ID cards must provide copy of the Armed Forces separation papers
proof of identity, proof of U.S. Citizenship or (Form DD-214). The qualified veteran will be A free, distinctive, license may be issued to
lawful presence, proof of Social Security Num- issued a Certificate of Eligibility (DS-516), any member of the Georgia National Guard or
reserves in good standing who has had
ber or ineligibility for a Social Security Num- signed by the veteran and the certifying active
ber, and proof of Georgia residency. See pages official from the State Department of active
10-11 for further information concerning these Veterans Service; A Certificate of Eligibility(DS-318) form
requirements. • The original certificate (DS-516) may then be must be obtained from the local National
presented by the veteran to any DDS Cus- Guard Commanding Officer and presented
Other License Types tomer Service Center along with any other to any DDS Customer Service Center. This
is renewable during the time of
documentation needed to prove identity, law- service in the National Guard or reserves
ful presence, and residency for issuance of the until they are entitled to a Veteran’s License.
Commercial Driver’s License license (see pages 10-11). The State The form DS-318 must be presented to the
Detailed information concerning licensing Department of Veterans Service will DDS upon every renewal of a National
requirements for Commercial Driver’s Li- denote eligibility on the DS-516; Guard license.
censes can be found in the Commercial Driv-
ers Manual as well as on the DDS website at • Successfully pass a vision test for the initial issuance of a Class C veteran’s license. To New Georgia Residents
obtain any other class of license, you must
successfully complete examinations for the
Motorcycle Operator’s License class of license desired.
Detailed information concerning licensing General Information
requirements for Motorcycle Operator’s Li- You must apply for a Georgia driver’s license
censes can be found in the Motorcycle Opera- or permit within 30 days of becoming a Georgia
tors Manual as well as on the DDS website at resident if you wish to drive upon the highways of this state. Please see page 4 for more informa-