Page 44 - 2021 2022
P. 44
SHARING • When entering a street or highway from an Passing Stopped Cars
in Lanes of Travel
THE ROAD alley, driveway, or private road; Use extreme caution when passing stopped
• When approaching a blind person who is cars on multi-lane roads. A pedestrian you can’t
crossing a street or highway if he/she is car- see may be crossing in a marked or unmarked
This Section Covers rying a white cane or being guided by a dog. crosswalk. This is a frequent cause of serious
or fatal pedestrian injuries. When you stop at
Sharing the Road With Pedestrians................... 42 Crosswalks a crosswalk on a multi-lane road, stop at least
Georgia’s Law Concerning Pedestrians ............... 42 Crosswalks exist on all four corners of in- 10 feet before the crosswalk so a driver in the
Crosswalks .......................................................... 42 tersections even when they are not marked by next lane can see the pedestrian.
Respect Crosswalks............................................ 42 painted lines. A crosswalk is the part of the pave-
Blind Pedestrians ................................................ 42 ment for pedestrian traffic where the sidewalk Exiting and Entering Driveways
Always Remain Alert for would extend across the street. Crosswalks can When exiting or entering a driveway, alley,
also exist mid-block if they are marked.
Pedestrians When Driving................................... 42 or parking garage, drivers must stop before the
Turning Right at a Red Traffic Signal................... 42 sidewalk area and proceed only after pedestri-
ans have safely passed. Drivers waiting to turn
Passing Stopped Cars in Lanes of Travel............. 42 left into a driveway must wait not only for a gap
Exiting and Entering Driveways .......................... 42 in oncoming traffic, but also for pedestrians
Vehicle Speed...................................................... 42 to finish crossing the sidewalk portion of the
Sharing the Road With Bicycles .......................... 42 driveway.
Important Reminders Concerning
Bicycle Riders......................................................43
Arm Signals Used by Bicyclists........................... 43
Sharing the Road With Motorcycles ................... 43
Allow a Full Lane................................................. 43
Road Conditions..................................................43
Intersections ....................................................... 43
Following Too Close ............................................ 43 Vehicle Speed
Passing and Being Passed.................................. 43 Respect Crosswalks Pedestrians are less protected from the harm-
Partners on the Road .......................................... 43 When pedestrians are in crosswalks, they ful effects of a crash than occupants of motor
Sharing the Road With School Buses ................ 44 have the right of way over motor vehicles. Do vehicles. The risk of serious or fatal pedestrian
not block crosswalks. When stopping at red injuries increase exponentially with driver speed.
Sharing the Road With lights or stop signs, always stop your vehicle The chart above illustrates the effect of speed
Commercial Motor Vehicles................................ 44 before the crosswalk so pedestrians can cross upon a pedestrian who is struck by a motor
safely. vehicle. When a pedestrian is struck by a motor
Even at crosswalks without traffic signals, vehicle traveling 40mph, the risk of pedestrian
Sharing the Road drivers must stop and remain stopped for pe- death is at least 80%.
With Pedestrians destrians in the crosswalk when the pedestrian
is upon the half of the roadway or approaching
and within one lane of the half of the roadway
While there has been an increase of motor upon which the vehicle is traveling. “Half of
vehicles on our roads, the number of persons the roadway” means all traffic lanes carrying Sharing the Road With Bicycles
traveling by foot is also growing. According traffic in one direction of travel.
to the Georgia Department of Transportation, Bicycle riding is an important type of trans-
pedestrians account for almost 15% of motor Blind Pedestrians portation, particularly for traveling to work and
vehicles deaths. In 2016, Georgia had a 15% in- Pedestrians using guide dogs or white walk- to school. Because bicyclists may be on any road
crease in pedestrian deaths. Distractions are ing canes must be given the right of way at all at any time, drivers must always be alert for
believed to be a contributing factor. It is critical times. bicycle traffic.
that pedestrians and motorists pay attention to
safely share the road. Always Remain Alert for Bike-car crashes often happen because driv-
Pedestrians When Driving ers do not see bicyclists soon enough. In Georgia,
Georgia’s Law Concerning as in other states, most crashes occur during
both sides of the
Look for pedestrians on
Pedestrians street when approaching intersections, when daylight hours on straight, dry roads, typically
The driver of a vehicle shall stop and remain turning, or near schools, parks, bus stops and near intersections or driveways.
stopped to allow a pedestrian to cross the road- other places people are likely to walk. Look Bicyclists are legally entitled to use every
way within a crosswalk: road in Georgia except the interstate and inter-
behind your car for children or other pedes-
• When the pedestrian is upon the half of the trians before backing up in driveways and state-like highways (limited access highways).
roadway on which the vehicle is traveling, or parking lots. The law allows bicyclists use of the full lane.
when the pedestrian is approaching and is They are not required to be in a bike lane even
within one lane of the half of the roadway on Turning Right at a Red Traffic Signal when one is present. Although their slower pace
which the vehicle is traveling or onto which Before turning right on red, drivers must may slow motorists occasionally, it is important
it is turning. “Half of the roadway” means come to a full and complete stop before the for drivers to respect the bicyclist’s right to be
all traffic lanes carrying traffic in one direc- crosswalk. Do not block the crosswalk when there. Yield the right of way to the bicyclist in
tion of travel; waiting to make a right turn at a red light. This the same way that you would yield to another
puts pedestrians at risk, forcing them to walk motorist. If possible, make eye contact with the
• When making a left or right turn at any in- around your vehicle. After looking to your left bicyclist, especially at intersections.
tersection; Road defects cause more problems for bi-
to find a gap in traffic, you must look to your
• At stop signs, after coming to a complete stop passenger side to ensure a pedestrian is not cycles than for cars. When passing a bicycle
and before proceeding; crossing in front of your vehicle. rider, leave the bicyclist plenty of room in case
he or she has to swerve to miss a pothole or
• At traffic signals, even when the light is green, other danger in the road. The minimum legal
if pedestrians are still in the crosswalk; space for a motorist to pass a bicyclist is 3 feet.