Page 47 - 2021 2022
P. 47

•  Side No-Zones - Trucks and buses have big   THE GEORGIA TACT PROJECT

          No-Zones (blind spots) on both sides. They
          are much larger than a car’s blind spots. If
          you cannot see the driver’s face in the side- Targeting Aggressive Cars & Trucks
          view mirror, the driver cannot see you. The   Law Enforcement offcers are stopping people who drive unsafe around commercial motor
          right side No-Zone is particularly dangerous     vehicles, whether they are driving a car or commercial motor vehicle.
          because truck and bus drivers must make
          wide right turns.                  What to do to avoid getting a citation:
           •  Rear No-Zones - Unlike cars, trucks and   •  Don’t cut off commercial motor vehicles.   •  Don’t speed. Speed is a factor in nearly
          buses have huge No-Zones directly behind   For safety, one car length for every 10   one-third of all fatal crashes;
          them. Trucks and buses have no rear view   miles per hour of speed is recommended;   •  Allow commercial motor vehicles plenty
          mirror. The truck or bus driver cannot see   •  Don’t tailgate. Unlike cars, commercial   of room. Be careful when you or the
          your car there and you cannot see what is go-  motor vehicles have big blind spots   commercial motor vehicle are entering a
          ing on ahead of the truck or bus. It is critical     behind them. Also, car drivers who   highway or merging with traffc.
          to keep a safe distance behind a truck or bus     tailgate commercial motor vehicles can’t
          in case the driver slows or stops suddenly.   see traffc ahead. If the commercial motor
           •  Front No-Zones - Trucks and buses require   vehicle brakes suddenly, you have no
          more room and time to stop than cars. Be-  time to react and no place to go;
          cause of this, more space should be given in
          front of trucks and buses. It is not   safe to “cut
          in front” of a truck and then slow down. To   DON’T GET A CITATION
          avoid the Front No-Zone, make sure that you
          can see the entire front of the truck or bus
          in your rear-view mirror before you merge
          or pull into that lane of traffic.
          In the illustration on the previous page, the
         commercial motor vehicle’s blind spots, or “No
        Zones,” are highlighted in blue. These are areas
        to avoid when sharing the road with a truck
        or bus.

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