Page 14 - aug20
P. 14



     Until I started researching our various
     indigenous plants, I had no idea there were so
     many lilies that grow in Botswana. Pancratium
     tenuifolium flowers pop up after rain in Maun;
     and a visit to Khutse around February-March
     will show fields of pink and white Nerine
     laticoma flowers. Villages surrounding the
     Gaborone area have clay soils that become
     congested with Crinums (bottom right) in the
     rainy season. Not to mention the red
     Ammocharis coranica balls (bottom left) that line
     our roadsides.
     Boophone disticha flowers produce tumbleweeds
     that fly through the bush in the Kalahari.
     And Ornithogalum seineri, Drimia sanguinea, and
     Drimia altissima (top right) produce gorgeous
     white flowers that are incredible to see.
     So there is no excuse for the Botswana
     gardener, we have indigenous lilies in every
     colour that flower in every season,
     including the dark burgundy Ornithoglossum
     vulgare (right) that flowers in winter.
                             Text & Photos: by S C

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