Page 42 - aug20
P. 42
Fun stuff- butterfly garden
To make your own butterfly garden, there are only two essential elements,
flowers and sunshine; and to attract lots of different kinds of butterflies,
then add in a muddy pond, a pesticide-free environment, some shelter
and a few plants that will benefit both butterflies and caterpillars.
A few butterflies may visit your garden, but by learning more about butterflies, the plants that
attract them, and their survival needs, you can increase your garden’s butterfly allure considerably,
and make a haven for these beautiful creatures. The flowers you choose to install in your butterfly
garden should include as many indigenous species as possible, such as Vernonia, Hirpicium, Barleria,
Aptosimum and Felicia species; traditional flowers such as Asters, Gazanias and Daisies. Shrubs
add a structure to the landscape while nourishing butterflies, so include some Viburnum, Citrus,
Plumbago and Elderberry. These plants and shrubs all thrive in full sun, which butterflies need to
maintain their metabolism.
Use a mix of annuals and perennials to prolong blooming time. Include not only a variety of
colours, but plants of differing heights to attract more butterflies. Many butterflies are very
specific about which host plant they will lay their eggs on, so learn a bit more about your local
butterflies. Sometimes they seek out plants in a particular family, and sometimes their caterpillars
will dine on one plant and one plant only. Most pesticides will harm or kill butterflies, even
organic pest control options like neem oil can kill or disrupt their feeding and mating habits, and
butterflies do need shelter from wind and rain: a simple log pile or insect hotel will do. You can
continue to draw butterflies to your garden during winter by providing overripe fruit, like peaches,
pears, and bananas. Lastly, create a shallow puddle in the garden not only as a source of drinking
water, but also as a way for the butterflies to obtain vital minerals.
If you really want a butterfly garden, then give it a try, and watch with delight, as your garden
begins to flutter with colour. Text & Photo by S C