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P. 14
H itler's house in the m ountains O ne of H itler's paintings depicting a
H itler standing next to his dog Blondi called "T he Berghof " house near a lake
Behind The Killer What did Hitler did away from the war H itler walking to his
By Lauren Mcdowell
abode with 2 others
Think about what you know art school twice but had gotten the top of a mountain. It has a paved in 1952. One of the vacation homes Hitler?s Dog and Blondie had died.
about Hitler. Many things appear at rejected during both applications. path leading up to the house for car was burned to the ground soon after
Blondi had made an effect on
first thought, but they mostly follow (DeLong) "utterly devoid of rhythm, rides and other such. (Uncommon Hitler's leave. The previous owner
Hitler had 1 dog in his lifetime. the members of Hitler's house holds.
the same chain of thought. Starter of color, feeling, or spiritual Travel Germany) ?The neighbors for of the house had said, 8 years later,
You may think that there was no The german shepherd had cheered
the Holocaust, Murderer of imagination." This is what scholars miles around were bought out, ?This is the most beautiful sight of
way that such an evil man like that them up a tad bit in the bleak
thousands and one of the most had to say about Hitler's paintings including families who had lived on my life. Hitler's house burning, just
was a good dog owner, and you are scenario.
evilest men and, luckily, dead. One when he had applied for art school. the mountain for generations.? as our houses have burned.? (Martin
correct about that. While Hitler had A nurse
of the most infamous people in all of Hitler had gotten rid of every family, Bormann) a dog, he wasn't really a good who was
history. But, beyond the war, what Hitler?s House village, and house surrounding him owner. living in
had Hitler done in spare time. I whether they wanted it or not. ?This is the most Hitler's
mean, other than make evil plans. When you think of the place The design of the houses and the Hitler's dog, a german shepherd residence
There were actually a few other where Hitler makes his plans, you pictures release of it show Hitler as beautiful sight of named Blondi, had been with Hitler had said
things that Hitler did not related to think of a bunker or a grand room waaaay kinder than he actually is. sense 1941. He had received Blondi this, ?The
the war. designed to strategize. Instead, he The design of the houses, The as a gift when Blondi was only just death of
had made plans in his own house. my life. Hitler's a puppy. Blondie had lived for 4
Art Career Except they weren?t really hs own. Berghof specifically, was architected years. But, sadly, Blondie couldn't Blondi
He had taken 1 of the houses that to feel comfortable and welcoming house burning, live forever. At least, not with Hitler affected
instead of cool and blocked off. us more
Before Hitler had become the was a previous inn by force. It had as the owner. When Hitler had
man we all know and hate, he had previously been an inn until Hitler But, when Hitler had died, what just as our decided to commit suicide alongside
wanted to become an artist. He had remodeled it for his purposes. Hitler happened to the homes? The his wife, he decided a cyanide pill Hitler's
suicide.? A sketch Hitler made of his dog,
made many paintings before he had had spent the most time in his Berghof and all other of Hitler's would have been the best way for Bondi
started the holocaust. These ?Berghof? or, when translated houses are gone, but were gotten rid houses have his wife to go. But, there needed to It was
clear that Blondi was loved in the
paintings were of different sceneries (Uncommon Travel Germany), of in different ways. The Berghof be someway to test it. Hitler, being
and sometimes including people. ?Mountain Farm? It was a small had because over time and the burned.? the cruel man he was, tested the residence.
These paintings He had applied for mansion colored white, placed on remains were eventually blown up cyanide pill on Blondi. It worked
-M artin Borm ann