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Building For The Change                                                                                             carved  human  or  animal                                                    architecture,    many      countries
                                                                                                                             face  or  figure  projecting
                                                                                                                                                                                                          around the world were inspired by
                                                                                                                             from  the  gutter  of  a
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Notre  Dame.  ?Gothic  architecture
                                                                                                                             building,  typically  acting                                                 was  very  much  influenced  by
                               In Architecture                                                                               as  a  spout  to  carry  water                                               naturalism  and  that  was  seen
                                                                                                                                                                                                          through  the  stained  glass  and
                                                                                                                             (Grimshaw).     In    some                                                   sculptures  found  in  Notre  Dame
                                                                                                                             cases,  these  statues  have                                                 Cathedral,  which  in  the  early
                                                                                                                             certain       representations.                                               Romanesque architecture this was
                                                                                          How Notre                          For example, the are used                                                    the opposite?(UK Essays). The idea

                                                                                          Dame                               to keep away demons from                                                     of  stained  glass,  murals,  and  art
                                                                                                                             homes     and   architecture.   A  statue of gargoyles and angles  on the    pieces made  of glass. This  is  only
                                                                                          changed                            Another  feature  that  was    walls of the Notre Dame Cathedral.            one  of  several  influences  on

                                                                                                                             very common in the architecture of Notre Dame was         other_countries?_architecture.
                                                                                          architecture                       flying  buttresses.  Flying  Buttresses  are  ?masonry

                                                                                          forever.                           structure[s]  typically  consisting  of  an  inclined  bar
                                                                                                                             carried on a half arch that extends (?flies?) from the    Will it Stand M uch Longer
                                                                                                                             upper  part  of  a  wall  to  a  pier  some  distance  away
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Centuries  of  weather have  worn  away at
                                                                                                                             and  carries  the  thrust  of  a  roof  or  vault?
                                                                                                                                                                                       the  stone  architecture  in  Notre  Dame.  The  fumes
                                                                                                                             (Augustyn).These  structures  were  commonly  used
                                                                                          By A very                          on  the  inside  cathedrals  and  other  forms  of        from  decades  of  gridlock  have  only  worsened  the
                                                                                          A sbury                            architecture  for  support,  ensuring  that  the          damage.  ?Pollution  is  the  biggest  culprit,?  says

                                                                                                                             structure_didn?t_collapse.                                Philippe  Villeneuve,  architect  in  chief  of  historic
                                                                                                                                                                                       monuments  in  France.  ?We  need  to  replace  the
                                                                                                                             How it Changed the Perspective
              What are some things you think Notre Dame is         France,  has  some  of  the  most  fascinating                                                                      ruined  stones.  We  need  to  replace  the  joints  with
                                                                   architecture  in  the  world.  According  to  Jeanne  of M any
                                           famous          for?
                                           Things all the way      Mandello,  ?On  an  average  summer  day  in  Paris,           When  Notre  Dame  developed  very  fascinating
                                           from their colleges     about  50,000  tourists  pass  through  Notre  Dame
                                                                   cathedral, one of the finest buildings of the medieval
                                           to  football  teams,
                                           and     even     the    era still standing.? Built in 1163, Notre Dame has had

                                           Disney  film  ?The      architecture  that  is  ancient  and  still  stands  today.
                                                                   Most  of  the  architectures  took  over  200  hundred                                                                                             a still standing."
                                           Hunchback         of
                                                                   years. Through the persistence and perseverance of
                                           Notre  Dame?.  Now
                                           push  all  of  these    the people in Notre Dame, they created great pieces                                                                   "One of the finest buildings of
                                                                   of  architecture  that  is  showed  to  people  around
                                           things  aside.  Did
                                           you  know  Notre
                                           Dame is known for       Figures in A rchitecture
                                           something      more                                                                                                                                                - Jeanne Mandello
                                           fascinating?  This                                                                                                                                 the medieval er
                                                                          There  are  many  features  when  it  comes  to
                                           is             their                                                              M urals of stained glass on the inside of Notre
                                                                   buildings  and  architecture.  One  feature  that  this
                                            architecture.                                                                    Dame Cathedral. These were sometimes used in the
                                                                   includes  are   gargoyles.  Although  this  is  not       place of a window that is visible from the inside
        One of the many entrances to        hhNotre      Dame,                                                               and outside of the cathedral .
        the Notre Dame Cathedral.                                  common around the globe, it is very common in the
                                            found in Paris,        city  of  Notre  Dame.  ?Gargoyles  are  a  grotesque
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