Page 20 - Historical Fiction.pdf
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 the  Reverend  William  King  a
                                  the  1859  there  was
 I  magine   you   are  according   of  to  Federal  and 15 former American  creation  of  a  brickyard  a  fire  that  put   For further information on
 separated  from  your  Directory
                           Buxton.  a  dent  into
 family  after  being  Heritage
 Designations  slaves  who,  with  other  occured
                                                                      this subject you should
 sold,  you  are  beaten  the  Elgin  Settlement  at  Underground   Railroad  Buxton   saw   many  Buxton?s
                                                                      read Elijah of Buxton by
 every day and are forced  Buxton,  Ontario,  the  refugees   and  improvements  in  1852  growth. Finally
                                                                      Christopher Paul Curtis.
 to do painstakingly hard  Buxton   Settlement  abolitionists,  bought  a  that  included  clearing  in 1861 Raleigh
 work  for  hours  on  end.  survives  today  as  a  one  2.47105 acre piece of land  land  and  establishing  a  was

 Many   people   you  of   a   kind   cultural  as   a   joint   stock  sawmill,  according  to  established
 worked   with   would  landscape,   that  company.   Settlers  The  Buxton  National  and   still

 commit suicide or run of   cleared the land and  Historic   Site   and  stands today.

 and would be killed.   established   farms  Museum a general store   Why   Slaves

 Back To The Beginning  on  50- acre  plots  was  established,  400   Came
 which   they  settlers   arrived,   350
 But after the war of                            Pretend
 purchased   over  acres  of  land  were
 1812  slaves  in  the  south             you are a slave
 time.  By  1859,  the  cleared,  3000  dollars
 including   you   heard                  you  have  been
 settlement  reached  were  raised  in  a  matter
 stories  about  a  country               mistreated
 its top population of  of  months,  courts  were                                and  many  difficulties
 that  welcomed  runaway                  and  beaten  your  entire
 over 1,000 residents  established,  and  a  post                                you  made  it  to  Canada
 slaves.   This   caused                  life  so  you?re  on  the
 served   by   three  office, hotel, and lumber                                  and  are  directed  to
 many  freedom  seekers                   journey  to  Canada,  but
 integrated  schools,  company   were                                            Buxton.  The  people  of
 to  take  the  treacherous               fearful of slave catchers,
 two hotels, a general  established. From 1853 -                                 Buxton  welcomed  you
 journey  to  Canada.  You                worried  about  traveling
 store, a post office, a  1856  Buxton  grew  and                                and  you  feel  welcome
 heard  that  many  slaves                through  the  wilderness
 sawmill,   a  flourished  until  slave                                          after  being  given  the
 on the journey died but                  with  your  family,  and
 brickyard,  a  grist  catchers   arrived   in                                   freedom  to  make  your
 that  many  made  it  as                 what  would  happen  to
 mill  and  a  pearlash  Chatham  in  1857,  but  in                             own        decisions,         and
 well.  This is a map of the Buxton  while it       the  slaves  that
 factory.                                                                        according to Walls ?This
 was an Underground Rail Road   This map shows UGRR routes used by runaway   stayed   behind.
 A Path To Freedom  settlement.  Buxton?s   slaves including how slaves got to Buxton.  Even   though   settlement  was  a  place

 Buxton?s Value  Organization                                                    of hope for a better life,
 continues to function as                           there were many
 Buxton   was   a   a   community   while   Starting  in  1848  -    hardships  ahead   a common desire shared

 significant  underground   preserving  its  historic   1851  people  began  work   the  thought  of   by   Underground
 railroad settlement a key   past.  It  was  founded  in   to organize and approve   freedom  pushed   Railroad   travelers  in

 part  of  this  was  the   1849   by   Irish   a   settlement,   create   you   on.   After   settlements  throughout

 geography  of  the  area,   Presbyterian   Minister,   rules and laws, organize   months  of  travel   Canada.?
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