Page 8 - Historical Fiction.pdf
P. 8
the Red Sox for 6 yea rs b efore the
trade ha pp ened. During these origina l Cubs Curse.
yea rs he help ed lead the Red Sox Ma ny Cubs fa ns
to the 3 World Series. b elieve tha t the true
curse is The Curse of
The Billy Goa t, tha t
Who Won the Series
sta rted w hen a
The Red Sox won the series Chicago resident
over the Cubs in 1918. Some p eople na med Billy Sia nis
b elieve this is b eca use the ga me a ttempted to buy
was fixed. No one has proof tha t tickets for he a nd his
a nyone fixed the ga me other tha n p et goa t. When this
ma ny of the memb ers of the ?Black ha pp ened a nd the
Sox? saying they got the Cubs
idea of it from some of ushers
the Chicago Cubs in
1919 w hen they fixed a
Pitching With Power ga me w ith the
Philadelphia Phillies
(Eschner). This mea ns
The 1918 Wor ld Ser ies disclosed tha t the Chicago Cubs
do ha ve a history of
Imagine you a re a t a New yea r b efore he was traded to the fixing ga mes so they Babe Ruth outside the home team
York Ya nkees ga me in 1924. You may ha ve fixed the dugout ant Fenway park
hea r the crack of the b a t a nd series in 1918.
you wa tch as the b a ll da nces
Was it fixed refused to give him
g racefully over the fence. You
might know w ho just hit the b a ll. Ma ny b elieve the series was tickets he sta ted "Them
But I b et you don?t know tha t he fixed. Most of w ha t p eople know Cubs, they a in't gonna
used to pitch for the Red Sox. He a b out the series b eing fixed is tha t w in no more," a nd tha t
was the sta rting pitcher for a b out if it was fixed a Ca rd ina l na med is the moment the
three yea rs b efore he was Gene Packa rd tha t fixed in (Ben curse sta rted.
traded. Goda r). This was a fix tha t was so
The Grea t Ba mbino, George imp orta nt tha t a uthor Sea n
Herma n Ruth b etter know n as Babe ruth batting during the Deva ney dubb ed it "the Origina l
second game of the 1918 world
Ba b e Ruth played for the Red Curse.? If Gene p acka rd fixed the
Sox during the 1918 World Series. Series ga me it could very well b e the
This World Series ha pp ened the
Ya nkees. Ba b e Ruth played for