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so-called ?Fuhrer? was a threat to   happened before H itler and his gang   that the only way to kill H itler was to
                                                                                                                               the Catholic Church and an           of bodyguards entered his plane for   glue the bom b onto him self and get
                                                                                                                               ?incarnation of Satan,? and he       a trip back to Germ any. Before the   as close to H itler as possible to kill
                                                                                                                               considered it his spiritual duty to   plane took off a m an approached     him . T his did not work
                                                                                                                                                                    one of his crew m em bers and asked
                                                                                                                               gun him  down?(Evan Andrews).        if he would take two bottles of       unfortunately H itler had left early
                                                                                                                               W hen a parade celebrating the       brandy back with them  to a friend.   and Rudolf had to run to the
                                                                                                                               anniversary of the last attem pt was   T hey said yes, what they did not   bathroom  to defuse the bom b. H e
                                                                                                                               in town he tucked his pistol in his   know was those bottles were rigged   succeeded and was not killed if he
                                                                                                                               pocket and waited for H itler to     to explode 30  m inutes later. ?T he                  was a few seconds
                                                                                                                                                                    package, containing two
                                                                                                                               approach. H is view was blocked
                                                                                                                                                                    bottles of brandy, is a gift                          later he would be
                                                                                                                               because people were raising their
                                                                                                                                                                    for M ajor-General H elm uth   "If you t ell a  big   dead.
                                                                                                                               swastikas in praise for H itler.
                                                                                                                                                                    Stieff in Berlin. Concealed
                                                                                                                               M aurice later got arrested because   in the package is a tim e   enough lie and t ell      Ju ly 20 th
                                                                                                                               he was trying to stow away on a      bom b but it failed to                                Plot-1944
                                                                                                                               train. After he confessed to trying to   explode owing to the high   it  frequent ly
                                                                                                                               kill H itler he was executed by      altitude cold air freezing   enough, it  will be            T his
                                                                                                                                                                    the acid in the detonator
                                                                                                                               guillotine in Berlin Plotzensee      cap?(George D uncan). T hey                           assassination
                                                                                                                               Prison.                                                          believed"- Adolf          attem pt took place
                                                                                                                                                                    bom b m akers were                                    in ?wolf 's L air?
                                                                                                                               1939- Geor g elser ?s beer           surprised that H itler had   Hit ler                  which was a
                                                                                                                                                                    landed safely and wondered                            com m and station
                                                                                                                               h all plot                           why the bom b didn?t go off.                          in Prussia. T he
                                                                                                                                                                    T hey were also worried                               m ain conspirator
                                                                                                                                     Georg was a Germ an carpenter   about H itler finding the bom b after   for this plot was Claus Von
                                                                                                                               who strongly opposed Nazism . H e    they had safely landed. T hey later   Stauffenberg. ? Alm ost all of the
                                                                                                                               believe that H itler would lead      found the defective fuse that lead to   conspirators shared a conservative,
                                                                                                                               Germ any to war and D ebt. So he     the bom b not blowing up while        nationalist perspective and an
                                                                                                                               planned to put a bom b M unich beer   H itler was on the plane.            aristocratic background? (T he July
                                                                                                                               hall where H itler was going to give                                       20, 1944, Plot to assassinate Adolf
                                                                                                                               his speech. To build this bom b took   1943-Ru dolf  Von                   H itler). H is plan was to kill H itler
                                                                                                                               a very long tim e because the tim er   Ger tsdor f f ?s Su icide           with a hidden bom b and if he was
                                                                                                                               was set to go off in 144 hours. After   M ission                           successful he would m ake peace.
                                                                                                                                                                                                          W hen he arrived at wolf ?s lair he
                                                                                                                               the bom b was com pleted he m oved                                         was carrying a briefcase full of
       Alm ost Killing                                          different tim es H itler was alm ost assassinated. You m ight   to M unich and began sneaking into         T his attem pt on H itler's life was   plastic bom bs tied to an acid fuse.
                                                                                                                               Burgerbraukeller every night to
                                                                be surprised at how m uch planning was needed to
                                                                                                                                                                                                          H e left to m ake a phone call which
                                                                orchestrate som e of these attem pts, or how close som e of    hollow out a hole in a stone pillar so   m ade only one week after the     was fake. L ater the bom b went off it
                                                                                                                                                                    Brandy bom b had failed to explode.
                                                                the attem pts were to each other.
       H itler                                                                                                                 he could place his bom b their. After   ?T his tim e, the scene of the     killed four different m en but H itler
                                                                                                                                                                                                          left with m inim al injuries. After the
                                                                                                                               placing the bom b in the hollowed
                                                                                                                               out space he set it to detonate on   assassination was an exhibition of    attem pt H itler bragged that he was
       All the tim es H itler was alm ost killed                1921- M u n ich  Beer H all M elee                             Novem ber 8th 1939 at 9:20  P.M .    captured Soviet flags and weaponry    im m ortal but later stayed m ore
                                                                                                                               T hat tim e was roughly half way     in                                                     hidden away then
       BY AVERY TAVIS                                                 T his attem pt on H itler?s life took place twenty years   through H itler?s Speech. H is bom b                                                      before these
                                                                before W W II even began. At this tim e during H itler?s life   was perfectly tim ed. H itler had                                                          assassination
             O n April 30 th 1945 H itler killed him self in an                                                                                                                                                            attem pts.
                                                                he was not very well known, and the Nazi party had just        changed the tim e of his speech
       underground bunker in Berlin, Germ any. I bet you didn?t
                                                                began. H itler was giving a speech on why you should join      because he wanted to get back as                                                                  Now H itler
       know that he was alm ost killed six different tim es.
                                                                the party. In the audience were m em bers of the party         soon as possible because W W ll had                                                         did not die from
       Knowing who H itler was this fact is actually not that                                                                                                                                                              an assassination.
                                                                             and people who did not like the values of         just started three m onths earlier.
       surprising. H itler was a very                                                                                                                                                                                      But is is good to
                                                                             the party. In the m iddle of the speech a         H itler finished his rem arks at 9:0 7
       horrible person, this caused m any                                                                                                                                                                                  look at the tim es
                                                                             fight began about things that H itler had         PM  and he had left the building by
       different people to want him                                                                                                                                                                                        that he was
                                                                             said. According to Evan Andrews ?while            9:12 PM . W hich m eant the bom bing
       dead. T hat is why m any people                                       the fists, beer steins and chairs were flying,    was not a success. According to                                                             alm ost
       tried to assassinate him . Even                                       a group of unknown assailants drew pistols        Chris Bowlby ? But historians                                                               assassinated.
       though everybody who tried                                            and fired several shots in the direction of       believe H itler's death in 1939 could                                                       From  this article
       failed, the hate was m ost likely                                     the speaker?s podium .?(1921: T he M unich        have shortened the war, and                                                                 you can also
       what caused him  to com m it                                          Beer H all M elee) H itler was unhurt during      possibly prevented m uch of the          A newspaper that was around during the time when   have theories on
       suicide after the war was over. ?he                                   this attem pt and actually gained m ore           suffering of the H olocaust.?(T he       Hitler escaped one of his assassination attempts in a   why he killed
       orchestrated both W orld War II                                                                                         m an who m issed killing H itler by 13   beer cellar.                                       him self after the
                                                                             attention and m ore followers after this
       and the H olocaust, events that led                                                                                     m inutes). After he confessed he     Berlin, which the Fuhrer was                           war. People have
                                                                             attem pt.                                                                                                                    a lot of different theories on why
       to the deaths of at least                                                                                               spent m any years in concentration   scheduled to visit for a tour?(Evan
       40,0 0 0,0 0 0  people.? (9 T hings   This is Hitler he is saluting to the people who were at   1938-M au r ice Bavau d?s   cam ps and was executed after being   Andrews).Rudolf volunteered to set   H itler eventually died from  a
                                       one of his rallies on his arm is a swastika a very                                                                                                                 suicide. So today when you learn in
       you m ight not know about Adolf   popular sign of Nazism.             attem pt                                          dragged out of his cell.             the bom b and blow it up. W hile he
       H itler).                                                                                                               1943-H en n in g Von                 was looking for a place to put the    class about the holocaust and what
             Knowing this inform ation I think you m ight feel that                                                                                                 bom b, he realized there was no       H itler did you are not only learning
                                                                             In late 1938 M aurice Bavaud bought a pistol.     Br an dy Bom b                                                             history you are learning about m ore
       his assassination attem pts were deserved. W ell if you do   After buying the pistol he began to stalk H itler                                               place they could put the bom b        death than you have ever thought.
       will enjoy this article. In this article you will see six
                                                                everywhere he went. ?Bavaud was convinced the                        T his assassination attem pt   without being noticed. H e later said
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