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Th e De a t h Tr a p o f t h e Ce n t u r y
Ki l l i n g o v e r 1 mi l l i o n J e ws i n t h e Ho l o c a u s t
By : Ca r l e y Cr a i g
(?Auschwitz?) It had barbed-wired prisoners arrived at Auschwitz, ?SS forced labor and the rest were The Camp of Death?) There were experimented on by doctors who
Over a million Jews and 100,000
electric fences and 28 officers decided who would be sent to the gas chambers to be ?doctors? inside of the were supposed to be helping
people were killed in a single
watchtowers with armed guards taken to work, and who would be killed (?Auschwitz?). Many times, concentration camp, they often them. Jews were killed if they were
complex. 1.3 million people were
to ensure that no one was going sent directly to the gas chambers? Zyklon B was pumped into the gas experimented ?with the unable to do work for the German
tortured, beaten, and abused just
to escape (United States (?Auschwitz?). Located in chambers (United States sterilisation of Jewish women, for Companies. Thousands of families
because of
Holocaust Memorial Auschwitz 2, the gas chambers are Holocaust Memorial Museum). example, and also performed were pulled apart and spilt, this
their religion.
"Ki cks and punches r i ght Museum). The where the prisoners were sent to Within minutes every one inside experiments on children, devastated each and every one of
away; Of t en i n t he Auschwitz be killed. Originally two died of lack of oxygen. especially twins? (?Auschwitz?). them. This was very unfair for
Auschwitz f ace; an or gy of or der s concentration camp farmhouses, the first gas each and every single person in
concentration scr eamed wi t h cr uel and Ex p e r i me n t s The Auschwitz concentration
si mul at ed r age: compl et e was a brutal place chambers was the start of a mass killed over a million and changed the camp, and should never
camp was a a n d Di s e a s e s
nakedness af t er bei ng for anybody to go. killing. Then, it was decided that happen again.
death trap, a over 300,000 more.
st r i pped: t he shavi ng The prisoners were two wasn?t enough, so four large
2 year killing of f of al l one' s har e; torchered, labored, crematoria were built. Each of the Auschwitz-Birkenau also The people were brutally
center that t he out f i t t i ng i n r ags. " included the ?experimental block? treated awful People were
and experimented four had a gas chamber inside of
not one - Levi ( Auschwi t z on through the them designed for killing where experiments were tried on
person Sur vi vor ) prisoners. These medical
camps. Over a prisoners. As soon as people
wanted to experiments killed many The Boy i n t he St r i ped Paj amas i s a
million Jews were brutally killed or arrived at Auschwitz any
experience. more prisoners. There was hi st or i cal f i ct i on book about a boy
publicly hung. This was a very able-bodied people were sent to
no running water or who j ust moved i nt o a house besi de a
There are 3 different camps unfair for each and every concent r at i on camp cal l ed ?Out - Wi t h. ?
sanitary equipment. This
within the Auschwitz person inside. Very few people ?Out Wi t h? i s based of f of t he
lead to the creation on Auschwi t z concent r at i on camp ( Boyne) .
concentration camp. escaped and got out alive
fast-spread diseases. The Thi s book i s t ol d i n t he poi nt of
Auschwitz-Birkenau, or Auschwitz
Ga s diseases spread vi ew of a 9 year ol d boy who becomes
2, was where most of the gas throughout the camp can f r i ends wi t h a anot her smal l boy i n
chambers and killing went on. It Ch a mb e r s : t he concent r at i on camp. I f you enj oy
killed many prisoners.
had the largest prisoner De a t h Wi t h i n Insects also invaded the l ear ni ng about t he Auschwi t z
population of all of the 3 camps. concent r at i on camp, you wi l l enj oy
Mi n u t e s work and sleep space of t hi s hear t - t ouchi ng book
At the peak it had 200,000
the prisoners killing off
thousand people at one time The second that the new even more (?Auschwitz:
Auschwitz Gas Chamber Oct. 2005
Courtesy of Scrapbook Pages