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                                                                             Deja Vu

        When the dust settles

                                                                             Continued from page 1              are the occupancy rates of Chesterfield’s
        Continued from page 1                                                                                   current ‘Industry’ areas?  Since they
            Matoaca? said Uzel. “The          At least five politicians lined the   with Interstate 95 in Walthall.  already have the infrastructure in
        answer I got [from officials] was   front portico of the old Chesterfield   Latino said the community went   place, they should be the focus of new
        that Matoaca would get more hits on   courthouse on the day of the   through something like this before   industry,” Johnson said. “People are
        Google than Bermuda. Matoaca is an   announcement.                   when developers proposed a thruway   concerned on how it will affect their
                                                                             from Harrowgate Road through Stoney
        Indian name known best in Virginia;   “A large advanced manufacturing   Glen into the new Stoney Glen South   way of life, and rightfully so.  Residents
        Bermuda is a vacation spot known   facility of this scale brings so many   subdivision, which would have provided  do not want to be jerked around in a
        around the world, maybe there is   benefits to the communities where   a direct cut through from Harrowgate   shell game. They do want - and deserve
        another explanation.”              they locate,” said Virginia House of   Road to Branders Bridge. The cut-  – accurate, straight-up information.
            Uzel said maybe it was named   Delegates Speaker Designee Kirk   through, which was along the main   They want their opinions and positions
        that way because people in Chester   Cox.                            school bus routes, would have increased  to be documented. They want honest
        would not be that concerned because   As the crowd thinned, frustration   traffic in the neighborhood and brought   answers to their questions.”
        it would be in Matoaca.            was expressed in the hallway to   down property values.
            The Economic Development       the cafeteria that was shoulder-to-   “The neighborhood HOA and
        Authority announced its plans to   shoulder with people coming in for   concerned residents vehemently fought   A Night of Jazz
        rezone the property from Residential   information an hour earlier.   this action by the prominent developer.
        to Industrial on Aug. 31 and expect   “It seems like this is a get our   This was at a time when a ‘good ol’   With Jeff Coffin,
        Chesterfield’s Planning Commission   property from us,” said Letitia   boy’ network prevailed in the county,
        to hear the case on Oct. 17, just over   Edwards. “We need formal meeting   and there was a close relationship with  Rashawn Ross
        six weeks from announcement to     where we can say what we need to   this developer,” Latino said. “However,
        first approval or rejection.       say.”                             a couple of the incumbent supervisors   Jeff Coffin and Rashawn Ross,
            Jason Pentecost, once the         According to the EDA, there    at that time lost their seats and a   saxophone and trumpet players
        crowd began to thin out, made the   will be three additional meetings   window of opportunity arose … [and   in the Dave Matthews Band, will
        rounds of the stations to get as much   to inform citizens of the proposed   in] the end, the cut-through was denied   be performing in concert with the
        information that he could. He offered   rezoning of the so-called Matoaca   and Stoney Glen residents were relieved  Skyhawk Band on October 6, 2017, at
        on his Facebook page some of what he   Megasite.                     to be able to maintain the peace and   the Margaret F. Gregory Auditorium in
        gathered.                             “We have taken the criticisms   tranquility of their neighborhood.”  L. C. Bird High School.
                                                                                                                    The concert is at 7 p.m., and doors
            “At this time they only have   and suggestions of the participants of   Johnson, who plans on attending   will open at 6:30 p.m.  Seating is first
        stop signs planned at the highway   last Wednesday’s meeting to reformat    the hearing for the zoning case, said   come/first serve.  This is a special band
                                                                             that she is not against economic
        and Branders Bridge intersection.   the next meetings on the megasite   development in Chesterfield County   event, therefore tickets are $10 per
        Right now the highway will stop    project,” said Jaeckle.  “We moved   but she is neither for or against a   person and no discounts of any kind
        there, but eventually will run across   both of our evening meetings to   mega site because there has not been   will be honored or given. Seats must be
        the county to 360, similar to another   larger sites than originally planned.”    enough information for her to make an   purchased for children of all ages.
        288, sounds like. The path for the    “We will have an overview of   informed decision.                     You must print your Pay-Pal receipt
        highway and railroad is 250 feet   the project and all its elements with   “I have concerns that have not   and bring it with you for entrance to the
        wide.                              a question and answer and citizen   been addressed. Why the jump from   concert.  Visit to
            “A county representative could   suggestion period in the auditorium.     ‘Residential’ to ‘Heavy Industry?’ What   purchase your tickets today.
        not assure me that Harrowgate Road    “There will then be breakout
        will not become like Route 10 has as a   stations in different rooms on each
        result of the Meadowville Technology   topic for those that would like more    A Completely Different Experience in Dining
 OCT    Park. He skirted around my question if   detailed information and would like
 28     the industrial site or the infrastructure   to provide more detailed input.                                Sun-Fri 11:00 am - 2:15 pm
                                                                                                                         LUNCH HOURS
                                              “I certainly hope people will
        would come first.
 THUR       “They will build a North/South   leave the next few meetings with                                           DINNER HOURS
                                           a better understanding of the
        road connecting to Route 10, but   project than we gave them at last                                           Sun - Thu 4 pm - 9 pm
        don’t know where it will go yet.”   Wednesday’s meeting.”                                                      Fri - Sat 4 pm - 10 pm
                                                                                          12730 Jefferson Davis Hwy, Chester – 804.751.9898

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