Page 5 - 09-27-2017 Full Page magazine views
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these horrible assumptions have never, Make someone’s day
EVER struggled to feed their children
TUMC Children’s Ministry Presents:
while working a 12-hour shift at the local
EXTRA fruitful
restaurant (to which they walk because they
Mixing Bowl have no transportation). My hope is that
What side? people really, truly try and feel empathetic
When: Each Friday beginning
towards people who are going through
Sept. 8th– Sept. 29th
difficult times and living differently than
By Gena Lashley they do.
Where: Trinity United Methodist Church
I am going to try and be less
judgmental, I am going to work on listening
6600 Greenyard Road, Chester, Va
f you have been following this column, want to happen. What better way to control to the “other side,” and I am going to try Delivery or Pick-Up
you may have noticed that I have been the population than through fear. The best
Time: Movie begins at 7:30pm
Isticking to pretty tame subjects lately. way to do that is to create a bad guy, for and forge ahead to create a community of CALL TO ORDER
peace, acceptance, and love for all people.
My children, the weather, my moods, some those are the Trump supporters, for That includes people who think differently 804-748-7025
basically pretty banal stuff. We are living in others those who oppose Trump and his from me, and the same goes for us all, no 12760 Jefferson Davis Hwy., Chester
Bring a Drink, Chair, Blanket and a Friend!! All are welcome!
a time where some of us feel that we cannot regime. What would happen if we came matter which side you feel like you are on Breckenridge Shopping Center • 804-748-7025
voice our opinions for fear of retribution together, quit screaming at each other and during these terrible and exhausting times. 11124 Hull Street Rd., Midlothian
from others. It’s a sad and frightening time calling each other names, and opened our Genito Crossing Shopping Center • 804-744-9006
for this country. hearts and minds to the thoughts and views
I have always been very forthright of others? I honestly don’t know what TUMC Children’s Ministry Presents:
with my opinions. I feel like we should treat would happen if that miracle were to occur,
each other as we wish to be treated. I feel because it never has before. Why not do the A MONTH OF MOVIES
like we should treat each other with respect, hard work, and let us be the first society to Double Feature
kindness, love, and acceptance. We have actually accomplish it?
become a world that loves to judge others. I wish it were that simple. Honestly, I "The Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown" and
To say that what we are doing is right and try to have conversations with people I do "Hocus Pocus"
what the other side is doing is wrong. We not agree with, and it usually gets pretty Each Friday beginning
have been split into two halves, the same heated. I have tried to sit down and open Movie begins
two sides that have been pitted against each myself up to the opposing side’s views, but at 7:30 p.m. SEPT. 8 -through
other for as long as man can remember: I find that I can’t stomach it. It goes against Free MOVIE SEPT. 29 TH
good vs. evil. I know it sounds pretty cut every moral fiber in my body to believe that and POPCORN
and dry, and we all know that is not truly some humans are worth more than others. Bring a Drink, Chair, Trinity United
how it is, but it certainly seems this way. I can’t be around a person who thinks that Blanket and
Family members are fighting, not being poor is a choice, that living in poverty a Friend! Methodist Church
speaking, or are just plain disgusted with means you shouldn’t have children, and All are welcome! 6600 Greenyard Rd.
each other. We are literally being ripped that you don’t work or don’t want to work. Chester
apart and that is exactly what those in power The reality is that most people who make
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