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       Living Safe                                                           in Africa at the beginning of their   drive at night. The reason for this is
                                                                             spring.                             potholes, people, and animals in the
       A humbling                                                                 I obtained my International    roadway and unmarked traffic bumps.
                                                                                                                 When I say that these traffic bumps
                                                                             Driver’s Permit from AAA. Two of
       journey                                                               us on this team will be the designated   are extreme, they are wide and tall.
                                                                             drivers on this trip. Picture this, the
                                                                                                                 The team that I am taking on this
                                                                                                                 journey consists of one person who
                                                                             steering wheel is on the right side of
                                                                             the vehicle, making me shift with my       has been with me once before and
       By Pete Hypes                                                         left hand. You also drive left and pass   three who have never been before.
                                                                             right. I have told people that have   We are trained and ready to work
             s you read this article, I and   well. God has opened many doors as   asked me how they can pray for us,   alongside of our national partners
             my team are either stuck in an   we have zeroed in on a place with a   pray for my driving in Africa. One   in South Africa. It is my hope that
       A     airport on the east coast of the   specific people. The old mission’s   of the things that I have learned over   the Lord will use us as we seek to
       United States, or we have just arrived   paradigm was for churches to go   the years is that you do not want to   obediently follow Him.
       in Johannesburg, South Africa. Stuck   multiple places with large teams.
       due to a hurricane, but hoping that   Though there are some churches that
       we will be able to take off on time.   have the opportunity and resources to
       This trip will mark my tenth journey   Bermuda Baptist Church is a small  Paying Cash!
                                          go to multiple places and be effective,
       to Africa since 2008. It has been such
       an awesome privilege to make this   church, therefore, our focus had to be        Gold, Silver, and Platinum
       journey so many times. When I was   narrowed. For any church or church
       in Botswana in 2008, I was standing   member that may wonder if they can   BUYING KENNEDY HALVES 1965 TO 1969 *CALL FOR PRICE*
       with a missionary leader and asked   become involved in an international   Village Coin is  paying top dollar for your jewelry
       him to help our church seek out an   work, I heard someone once say, “If   and anything gold, silver, or platinum.
       unreached, unengaged people group   Bermuda Baptist can do it, any church
       in Africa that our church could begin   can.”                                                        WE BUY & SELL ALL
       to pray for. We prayed for two years        One of the toughest parts of the                             UNITED STATES
       for a people group in South Africa   journey is the long flight. I have                           GOLD & SILVER COINS
       known as the Pedi. In May 2011, I   flown South African Air, Ethiopian
       and another member of our church   Air, British Airways, and KLM. Each                            Licensed and Bonded. Serving the Same Location for 32Years
       made our first journey to a remote   of these airlines flies to a different
       village in South Africa. I can safely   place before reaching Johannesburg        Village Coin
       say now; the rest is history.      or any other destination. This trip               1910 Boulevard, Colonial Heights
            I have had the joy of taking many   will be on Delta. As I said earlier,   (Corner of Temple Ave. & Boulevard, two story building w/maroon awnings)
       different teams, not only from my   I am praying that we will be able                          520-4949
       own church, but teams from other   to dodge two pesky hurricanes, one
       churches in our area. I have even had   in the Atlantic and one presently in
       the privilege of coming alongside of   the Caribbean. If we can make the
       a Korean/American church in Dallas   journey, the clock will jump ahead
       TX, as they work among the Pedi as   six hours. We will also be arriving
                                                                                  We Can Help.


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                                                                                          SEPTEMBER 27,  2017  09
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