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       Football recaps

       Thomas Dale 42,                    Meadowbrook 39,                    L.C. Bird 47,                       get a bunch of penalties, it kind of throws

       Matoaca 20                         Colonial Heights 14                Huguenot 24                         everybody off of what they’re trying to do.
                                                                                                                 Huguenot is much improved from what
       BY LOUIS HARRISON                  BY LOUIS HARRISON                  BY JOHN WALKER                      they were in the past. They are doing a great
                                                                                                                 job over there.”
           On a bright Friday night, the      On a beautiful Friday night, a     Week 5 of the high school football   On defense, L.C. Bird was a force to
       Thomas Dale Knights traveled to play   hungry Meadowbrook Monarchs team   season was a good one. A Dominion   be reckoned with all night. They forced
       one of their biggest rivals, the Matoaca   hosted the undefeated Colonial Heights   Conference match-up between the L. C.   vital turnovers that turned the tide of the
       Warriors. The Warriors came in looking   Colonials for a non-conference battle.   Bird Skyhawks and Huguenot Falcons was   game in their favor. Third down was where
       to get revenge as they lost to the     The Monarchs' offense was led by   a prime game in the area as far as season   the Skyhawks thrived, as they made sure
       Knights last year and to Massaponax in   quarterback Greg Fong-Wilson, who   records go. Both teams came into this game   nothing got by them. Huguenot made a
       a blowout last Friday.             finished the night with 169 all-purpose   at 3-1, with bragging rights withing the   living off fourth down much of the night as
           The Knights were led by their rush   yards and a touchdown. Running back   division on the line.      a stout Skyhawks defense allowed nothing
       attack, as sophomore sensation Chris   K.J. McNeil added 123 yards and 3    L.C. Bird started the game with a   to pass by.
       Tyree paced the team with 139 rushing   touchdowns. Connor Adams was the   fast-paced offense that scored at will. After   “The turnovers helped us get some
       yards and 2 touchdowns. Alongside   other scorer on offense, with a receiving   making key defensive stops on many drives,   momentum going,” said quarterback
       Tyree were Dale's two brusing backs   touchdown.                      the Skyhawks' offense drove the ball up and   Marcus Banks. “This whole game had
       in Collin Holmes, who also had 2       The Monarchs' defense easily stop   down the field to take a big 21-0 lead early   momentum behind every play for us.
       touchdowns and Elijah Burns (72    a high-powered Colonials offense.   in the second quarter. The Skyhawks were   Whoever owns the momentum is going to
       yards.)                            Although they trailed early on and   firing on all cylinders as a team on offense,   win the game. Our defense was able to get
           Not only did the offense prevail,   giving up and touchdown and two-point   and Skyhawks head coach Tony Nicely took   some stops, and it was a big boost for us on
       but so would their defense. Linebacker   conversion, Meadowbrook would turn   notice.                     offense.”
       Adam Hall led the defense, picking up   on the jets quickly. Senior linebacker   “We tried to do what we always do.   In the fourth quarter, Nicely took out
       13 tackles, a sack, and an interception   Brett Hall finished with 11 tackles and   We like to hold the ball,” said Nicely. “We   starting quarterback Marcus Banks and had
       for a touchdown. Gynai James made   2 interceptions, one for a touchdown.   like to be able to run between the tackles,   him help as an offensive coordinator for the
       7 tackles and 2 pass break-ups. Senior   Junior Paul Davis made a huge splash   so I thought we did a pretty good job of   rest of the game.
       Dusan Stjepanovic continued to impress   with 10 tackles.             that. You get in games like this and you
       finishing with 8 total tackles, including   With Meadowbrook playing hot
       a sack and 4 tackles for loss.     on offense and defense, the Monarchs
           “It was a typical rivalry type   picked up their first win of the season
       game,” said coach Kevin Tucker “Both   beating Colonial Heights 39-14.
       teams came out very hype and pumped    “We did what we needed to do but     Chesterfield Basketball
       up. It took us about a quarter to settle   still need to get better on offense every
       down and get into a rhythm. Defense   week,” said coach Adam Tiller “[I am]
       played good, just got to make sure we   proud of the effort but mistakes have                  League
       tackle better. Offensively, we are getting   to be cleaned up.  Colonial Heights is
       better each week. We need to cut out the   much improved and [definitely this]was
       turnovers.”                        a good win.  [We are] looking forward to
           After a slow start, Thomas Dale   the home stretch; this team is capable of   Youth basketball for Chesterfield
       would overcome their problems and   special things.”
       defeat Matoaca with a final score of   Although the Colonials lost,       players, ages 7 to 18
       42-20.                             junior quarterback Hunter Spence
           In a losing effort, Matoaca was led   totaled 80 yards and a touchdown but 2   (age as of December 31, 2017)
       by senior quarterback Dante Sanders,   interceptions. Running back Rayquan
       whowent 9-for-17 with 117 yards and a   Rogers would finish with 29 yards and
       touchdown. Wide receiver Jarod Mosby   a touchdown, while Maurice Sykes   Practice starts: November 13
       caught 3 passes for  45 yards. Manny   Jr. would be the other scorer for the   Games begin: January 6, 2018
       Hickman led the team in tackles with   Colonials.
       9 and made a fumble recovery, while    Meadowbrook is now1-3 for          Season ends: March 10, 2018
       Austin Hicks put up 4 tackles and   the season and they will host Prince
       recovered a fumble of his own.     George (2-2). Colonial Heights goes
           With this win, Thomas Dale moves   to 3-1 going into a home game against
       to 3-1, and they will go back on the   Petersburg (2-2).                          Sign up with your local athletic association
       road to face the undefeated Dinwiddie
       Generals in what should be a very                                                 Information on athletic associations at
       competitive game. As for Matoaca,
       they fall to 1-3 and they will travel to                                , under Voting Reps
       Hopewell, whose team is 3-1.

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