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       Ground broken on new Enon Elementary

          Temporarily housed at Marguerite   students. Everything we are doing with
       Christian Elementary School, Becky   this project is about them: creating a
       Liggitt’s  fifth-grade class returned to   safe, supportive, and nurturing learning
       the site of their former school Friday   environment and giving our students
       to participate in a groundbreaking   access to 21st-century educational
       ceremony on the future replacement   building with all of the necessary
       for Enon Elementary School.   They   academic components.”
       performed their school song before     She praised Superintendent James
       attending members of the Chesterfield   Lane for working with the community
       County School Board, members       to keep the school in its vicinity.
       of the Chesterfield County Board       The first school in Enon was a one-
       of Supervisors, school and county   room building. It was located behind
       government officials, and Enon     the present Enon Baptist Church. One
       residents.                         teacher taught all six grade levels. It
          The students were excited and   closed in 1926, and the students of
       honored to be attending, and they were   Enon attended school in Chester. In                                                               PHOTO COURTESY OF AMANDA  LOVE, CCPS
       amazed to overlook the construction   1938, Enon Elementary School, what
                                          would be for almost 80 years, was
                                          built. The original building housed four
                                          classrooms, two bathrooms, an office
                                          and a small room, and these classrooms   FROM LEFT: DR. JAMES LANE, RILEY INGRAM, LOU LASSITER, ROB THOMPSON, DIANE
                                          and bathrooms continued to be used   SMITH, DOROTHY JAECKLE, JENNIFER HINSON, ANNE COKER, AND JACK CLARK.
                                          until the school closed in June 2016..
                                              After five renovations and     numerous repairs, and it was decided   will sit on two of the acres. According
                                          additions, a facilities assessment   that a new replacement school would be  to Jack Clark, of RRMM Architects,
                                          was performed on Enon Elementary   constructed as a result of the 2013 bond   the school construction is on schedule
       PERFORMED AT THE BEGINNING OF THE   School. The assessment found that   referendum.                       and the building will be ready to house
       CEREMONY.                          Enon Elementary was in need of         The 90,000 square-foot school   students in January 2019.

       project that now includes nearly 15
          “I have been attending Enon since                                                                  748-6461
       kindergarten,” said fifth-grade student
       Madeline Boyce. “It is sad to see it go                                                              12420 Jefferson Davis Highway
       but at least we get a new school.  My                                                                          Chester, VA
       granddaddy attended Enon.”
          Fifth-grade student Nicolas                                                                    On the corner of Route 1 & Route 10
       Gochnour said, “It is an honor and a
       special privilege to be here.”

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          Bermuda School Board
       Representative Carrie Coyner
       attended Enon Elementary in the
       1980s.  “Located right here in the
       middle of the tight-knit community of
       Enon, this school is the consummate
       neighborhood school. As we heard back
       in 2013, generation after generation of
       families has attended Enon Elementary,
       and we’re excited that we could rebuild
       the school on this site to continue the        ALEX PERRY                  HARRY REEBENAKER                 JARED WILLIAMS
       tradition,” said Coyner, whose Bermuda             SALES                        TECHNICIAN                      ASSOCIATE
       District includes Enon Elementary. “It
       was important to me, as a former Enon                 Associates ready to help you anytime!
       Elementary School student, that we
       address the needs of this community
       and our teachers, but especially our                                                                                           SEPTEMBER 27, 2017  11
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