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AUGUST 9, 2017 XIX NO.51

              Village      News

       Naming the nameless

       from Scripture

                  collection of letters from   deadly dull.  No so.  The unnamed Bible
                  a woman of the 21st      women all have fascinating stories.  I
                  century to 34 nameless   took great pleasure in putting a new
          A women of Bible times is        twist on some of them.”
       being released this week.  “Dear Mrs.   Damon’s acknowledgments include
       Noah: Letters to Unnamed Women of   gratitude to Sandra Bollinger, who
       the Bible” by Chester resident Roberta   laughed when she was forced to listen to
       M. Damon, gives appropriate names   the chapter about Mrs. Noah.  Deborah
       and new identities to women familiar   Edgar was teary-eyed over the letter to
       to readers of Scripture in her latest   the woman at the well.  Jim Williams’
       published work.                     Bible study class listened to each one
          Some women whose stories are     upon completion, and Damon reports
       familiar, but were previously not known   they laughed in all the right places.
       by name: Samson’s mother is named     Damon toyed with the idea of the
       Salome (from the Hebrew “shalom,”   book for more than a year.  She said the
       meaning “peace”).  Noah’s wife is   actual writing did not take long.  “My
       named April (possibly from the Latin   process was simple.  I started with the
       “Aprilis,” suggesting “open to the sun”).    biblical material and then imagined
       Job’s wife is named Dolores (from the   what a woman might have been thinking
       Latin “delorem,” meaning pain and   and feeling in that particular setting.”
       sorrow”).                           She thought about; in one case how
          The premise of the book is that   being known as the “woman having
       without a name, a person has no identity.    an issue of blood twelve years” might
       Unnamed Bible women are known by    have felt. “I have long been interested
       some event (“the woman at the well,”    in women’s concerns,” said Damon.
       “the widow’s                                         “Even theological
       mite”)  by their                                     students and
       relationship to                                      professors rarely
       a man  (Peter’s                                      question the mores
       mother-in-law,                                       which dictated
       Job’s wife), or by                                   how women
       some physical                                        were overlooked,
       condition (“the                                      demeaned, or even
       woman bent over                                      abused in all those   issues relevant in today’s world.  These   Damon hopes readers will be
       double,” “the                                        cultures we lump   questions can be used for small group   informed and entertained by this
       woman with the                                       together as ‘Bible   discussion or personal pondering.   book.  “I hope the book will engender
       issue of blood”).                                    times.’”             “A person with no name has no   discussion and an exchange of opinions
          “I wrote this for                                     Damon’s       identity--no voice,” she stated.  “The   and ideas.  I hope readers will come
       the joy of writing,”                                 reflections at the   illustrations by my beautiful and talented   away understanding that there is more
       Damon said in an                                     end of each letter   granddaughter, Melissa, show each   than one way to see a biblical episode.  I
       e-mail.  “So often                                   were designed     woman robed and without a face.  The   believe our spirituality may be enhanced
       we think of all   ROBERTA DAMON’S GRANDDAUGHTER, MELISSA   to prompt the   sketches enhance the text, bringing each
       things biblical as   DAMON, DREW ALL THE ILLUSTRATIONS IN HER   reader to reflect on                                 Read more on page 3
                       BOOK.  THIS ONE IS OF JOB’S  WIFE.                     story to life.”

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