Page 8 - 08-09-2017 full page paper
P. 8
            POLICE BLOTTER

          Summary              AMSTEL BLUFF WY (70xx block)        E HUNDRED RD (17xx block) 07/21/2017   JEFFERSON DAVIS HWY (89xx block)
                               07/21/2017 12:00 p.m. – Miscellaneous
                                                                                                       07/27/2017 7:45 p.m. – Clothing and
                                                                   6:00 p.m. – Miscellaneous items stolen
       of reported             items stolen from residence.        from business.                      miscellaneous items stolen from hotel
                                                                   E HUNDRED RD (1xx block) 07/30/2017
                               ARCADIA AVE (24xx block) 07/29/2017
            offenses           11:58 a.m. - Injury-Accidental - Heroin   2:13 p.m. – Strong-arm robbery at   LAKE FALLS DR (117xx block)
                                                                                                       07/26/2017 10:00 a.m. – Robbery with
                                                                   convenience store. Electronics, money,
                                                                   and consumable items taken from     a firearm at a residence. Money and
                 JULY 25 - JULY31
                               BARRISTER RD (62xx block) 07/18/2017   victim.                          consumable goods taken form victim.
                     larceny   5:00 a.m. – Rear window entry. Firearms   E RIVER RD (30xx block) 07/29/2017   LIBERTY WY (8xx block) 07/26/2017
                               and miscellaneous items taken from
                     42        residence.                          11:35 p.m. – Front door entry. Money   12:00 p.m. – Firearms stolen from
                                                                   taken from convenience store.
                               BEACH RD (72xx block) 07/30/2017 7:00
                               a.m. – Money stolen from vehicle.   EDGEWOOD DR (159xx block)           LITTLE CREEK LN (50xx block)
                    assaults   BEAU SPRINGS DR (29xx block)        07/24/2017 8:00 a.m. – Household    07/27/2017 3:16 p.m. - Injury-
                                                                   goods, electronics, and miscellaneous
                                                                                                       Accidental - Heroin Overdose
                     34        07/24/2017 8:00 p.m. – Front driver’s side   items stolen from residence.  MEADOWDALE BLVD (34xx block)
                               door entered. Electronics, money, and
                               miscellaneous items stolen from vehicle.  FRYE CT (41xx block) 07/26/2017 8:00   07/28/2017 6:30 p.m. – Vandalism to a
                                                                   a.m. - Weapons Violations-Shooting in   residence.
               animal cases    BENSLEY COMMONS BLVD (26xx block)   Occupied Bldg/Vehic                 MEADOWDALE BLVD (38xx block)
                               07/25/2017 10:50 p.m. - Weapons
                     32        Violations-Illegal Possession       FUQUA AVE (70xx block) 07/27/2017   07/21/2017 4:00 p.m. – Vehicle parts
                                                                   7:30 a.m. – Rear window entry. Money
                                                                                                       stolen from office building.
                               BENSLEY COMMONS BLVD (27xx block)   taken from residence.
                               07/26/2017 6:00 p.m. – Robbery with a                                   MEMORY LN (103xx block) 07/26/2017
                       traffic  firearm on the roadway. Firearms were   GAINFORD RD (60xx block) 07/26/2017   9:00 p.m. – Vehicle parts stolen from
                                                                   4:30 p.m. – Miscellaneous items stolen
                               taken from the victim.
                                                                                                       parked vehicle on roadway.
                     22        BETZ CT (35xx block) 07/30/2017 2:00   from vehicle.                    MERRIWOOD RIDGE CT (25xx block)
                                                                   GIBE LN (67xx block) 07/28/2017 9:30
                               p.m. – Vandalism to a residence.
                                                                   a.m. – Vandalism to a vehicle.      07/28/2017 9:22 p.m. - Injury-
                                                                                                       Accidental - Overdose
              drug offenses    BOYD RD (118xx block) 07/25/2017 5:00   HOLLYLEAF CT (75xx block)  07/24/2017   MISTWOOD FOREST DR (24xx block)
                               p.m. – Bicycles stolen from residence.
                     22        BRANDERS BRIDGE RD (136xx block)    1:00 a.m. – Rear door entry. Clothing   07/28/2017 12:00 a.m. – Vandalism to a
                                                                   taken from residence.
                               07/24/2017 9:00 a.m. - Trespassing
                               (Including Prowler)-Residential     INDIAN HILL RD (23xx block) 07/28/2017   PRESTONWOOD AVE (54xx block)
                       fraud   BRANDERS BRIDGE RD (137xx block)    3:30 a.m. - Injury-Accidental - Heroin   07/25/2017 4:00 p.m. - Vandalism-Motor
                     16        07/26/2017 12:01 a.m. - Trespassing   IRON BRIDGE PZ (120xx block)      PRIORITY WY (162xx block) 07/20/2017
                               (Including Prowler)-Residential
                               BRIMLEY PL (47xx block) 07/27/2017   07/23/2017 4:45 p.m. – Money stolen   12:01 a.m. – Vehicle parts stolen from car
                                                                   from discount store.
              miscellaneous    11:00 p.m. – Vandalism to a vehicle.  IRON BRIDGE RD (108xx block)      QUAY ST (119xx block) 07/23/2017 7:00
                  14           BURNT OAK CR (50xx block) 07/27/2017   07/21/2017 8:00 a.m. – Miscellaneous   a.m. – Money stolen from residence.
                               1:10 p.m. - Injury-Accidental - Heroin
                                                                   items stolen from vehicles outside of
                                                                                                       QUIENT PINE CR (57xx block) 07/27/2017
                                                                   grocery store.
                                                                                                       4:00 a.m. – Firearms stolen from residence.
                               CHESTER RD (92xx block) 07/14/2017   JEFFERSON DAVIS HWY (126xx block)
        death investigations   2:00 p.m. – Vehicle parts stolen from   07/26/2017 1:24 p.m. - Trespassing   REDWATER CREEK RD (124xx block)
                               commercial building.                (Including Prowler)-Commercial      07/25/2017 5:00 a.m. - Injury-Accidental -
                     13  CLIFFSIDE DR (9xx block) 07/26/2017       JEFFERSON DAVIS HWY (57xx block)
                               1:15 p.m. - Injury-Accidental - Heroin   07/24/2017 9:45 p.m. – Vehicle parts   S BEULAH RD (64xx block) 07/26/2017
                               Overdose                            stolen from auto sales business.    4:30 a.m. - Injury-Accidental - Heroin
                 vandalisms                                                                            Overdose
                               COGBILL RD (38xx block) 07/26/2017   JEFFERSON DAVIS HWY (63xx block)
                               8:00 p.m. - Weapons Violations-     07/26/2017 9:00 a.m. – Money and    S BEULAH RD (64xx block) 07/26/2017
                     10  Brandishing a Weapon                      miscellaneous items stolen from     8:21 p.m. - Trespassing (Including Prowler)-
                                                                   residence.                          Residential
                               DORIUS DR (62xx block) 07/30/2017
                 trespassing   1:00 a.m. – Vandalism to a residence.  JEFFERSON DAVIS HWY (67xx block   SHERBOURNE RD (28xx block) 07/26/2017
                                                                   07/25/2017 1:00 p.m. – Electronics,   9:00 a.m. – Rear passenger window.
                               DUNDAS RD (30xx block) 07/29/2017   money, and miscellaneous items stolen   Miscellaneous items stolen from vehicle.
                         6  8:00 p.m. – Front driver’s side door   from vehicle.
                               entered. Money stolen from vehicle.                                     SHOREMEADE CT (46xx block) 07/24/2017
                                                                   JEFFERSON DAVIS HWY (67xx block)    3:00 p.m. – Consumable goods stolen from
                    burglary   DYLANS WALK RD (108xx block)        07/22/2017 9:30 p.m. - Trespassing   residence.
                               07/29/2017 1:20 a.m. - Rape-Forcible  (Including Prowler)-Residential
                                                                                                       SILVER MIST AVE (78xx block) 07/21/2017

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