Page 13 - 08-09-2017 full page paper
P. 13


        As national ambassador, CCPS hosts #GoOpen Regional Summit

                                                            have done some    experts who authored them,” Chesterfield   educational materials that can be used
                                                            work on making    County Public Schools Superintendent   for teaching, learning, research and other
                                                            this transition and   Dr. James Lane. “What we know is that   purposes.
                                                            helped facilitate   textbooks don’t teach; our teachers do.   Chesterfield County Public
                                                            one or more of    Now, our instructional leaders can change   Schools was named a #GoOpen
                                                            the workshops     the face of the classroom by accessing   Ambassador in 2014. School districts
                                                            throughout the day.  and creating online curriculums that are   that are designated #GoOpen are
                                                               “In the past,   free for everyone.  It’s a great tool for our   committing to transition to using
                                                            the teaching-and-  anytime, anywhere learning efforts.”  high-quality, openly licensed
                                                            learning process      The U.S. Department of Education’s   educational resources in their schools.
                                                            was dictated by   #GoOpen campaign encourages states,   The #GoOpen Ambassador districts
                                                            how much a school   school districts and educators to use   serve as mentors to school districts
                                                            division could spend  OERs to transform teaching and learning.   transitioning to openly licensed
                                                            on textbooks and the  OERs are free and openly licensed   learning materials.

           More than 300 public educators from
        up and down the East Coast descended
        on the Fulghum Conference Center at
        the Chesterfield Career and Technical
        Center @ Hull for the #GoOpen Regional            CALL
        Summit conference last week.                     TODAY
           The national conference focused
        on Open Educational Resources (OER)
        in a digital learning environment
        and is part of the school division’s
        commitment to the U.S. Department
        of Education’s #GoOpen campaign.
        Attendees focused on blended learning
        in classrooms and free educational
        resources to support authentic online
        learning opportunities. They also
        heard from keynote speaker, Google’s
        Education Evangelist Jaime Casap.
           At Google, Casap evangelizes
        the power and potential of the web,
        technology, and Google tools. During his
        eight years at Google, Casap has been
        part of the original team that launched
        Google Apps for universities, launched
        Google Apps into K through 12 schools,
        and helped get Chromebooks off the
        ground and into schools. Today Casap
        is responsible for working across all
        internal teams that impact education, and
        he works with educational organizations
        around the world, helping them find
        ways to improve the quality of education
        through the use of technology.
           “Chesterfield County Public
        Schools is proud to be the host of this
        national conference,” School Board
        Chair Dr. Javaid Siddiqi said. “Since our
        school division was named a #GoOpen
        Ambassador in 2014, we have embraced
        our role as a leader in developing a           ENJOY $100              OFF ACADEMIC
        regional approach to collecting open
        educational resources to support
        innovative teaching practices.”
           The #GoOpen regional summit,              12748 Jeff Davis Hwy
                                                      Chester, VA 23831
        organized and run by the school division’s
        Technology Department, was for school   Accredited by                       804-796-9800
        districts that have recently committed to
        becoming a #GoOpen Launch district
        or are curious about making a scalable
        transition to openly licensed educational
        resources. The summit also linked the
        new and interested school districts with
        #GoOpen Ambassador districts that                                                                                               AUGUST 9, 2017  5a
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