Page 14 - 08-09-2017 full page paper
P. 14


        Back-to-School Medical Musts

           It’s the time of year when school   CANCER PREVENTION
        supply lists, new shoes and first-day   The HPV vaccine prevents the
        photos are on every parent’s checklist.   nine types of HPV that cause 90
        Back-to-school season is also the time   percent of all cervical cancers and
        when pre-teens should receive the   pre-cancers, as well as most cancers
        tetanus-diphtheria-acelluar pertussis   of the vulva, vagina, penis, anus and
        (Tdap) vaccine, the HPV vaccine and   throat. It also helps prevent infection
        meningococcal vaccines to get the best   by the two types of HPV that cause
        protection from serious, sometimes   most genital warts. However, the
        deadly, diseases.                  vaccine works only if given well
                                           before an infection occurs. That’s why,
        PROTECTING YOUR CHILD              in part, the American Cancer Society
           In the United States, approximately   recommends that boys and girls get
        30,000 cancers caused by HPV are   the vaccine at ages 11-12 to achieve
        diagnosed each year. Nearly all cases of   the best immune response and most
        cervical cancer are caused by infection   complete coverage against cancer-
        with high-risk types of HPV. The virus   causing strains of HPV.
        also has been linked to five other types   Despite the power of the HPV                                                                    PHOTOS BY GETTY IMAGES
        of cancer.                         vaccination to prevent cancers caused
           It is estimated that 79 million   by HPV, in 2015, only 28 percent of
        Americans are currently infected and   boys and 42 percent of girls completed
        that there are 14 million new HPV   the series. Many boys and girls in the
        infections each year. Many people   United States are not getting the HPV   worldwide, with more than 80 million   other vaccine.
        who are infected will never know it.   vaccine and are missing the protection   doses in the U.S. Safety monitoring   For more information, contact the
        However, there is a safe and effective   it could provide.            of the vaccine in 80 countries has   American Cancer Society at 1-800-
        tool to prevent this cancer burden – the   More than 200 million doses of   revealed that most side effects were   227-2345 or visit
        HPV vaccine.                       the HPV vaccine have been distributed   mild and similar to those seen with any                      – Family Features

            FACT:                                                                          HRS: T-TH 9-8, F 9-5, S 9-4
            Social and emotional intelligence may                                                                                     S/M CLOSED
            be the most important determinant

            of a child’s future success.

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        6a   AUGUST 9, 2017                                                                                   
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